Page 70 of A Glimpse of Music

“Madwoman!” he shrieked. “Demon queen!”

“Quiet! Or else I’ll make the tree swallow you.”

That shut him up, but he continued to fight against the tree’s hold.

Joel gripped her wrist and tugged her to him before wrapping his arms around her shoulders. The moment she rested within the safety of his arms, the energy drained from her completely. Her senses dwindled back to normal. The pain in her foot flared up once more. And the unforgiving night’s chill seeped through her clothing and into her bones. She began to shiver.

“I’m ready to hire a thousand guards to protect you,” he growled into her hair, tightening his hold on her until his warmth chased away some of her chill.

“The d-danger is g-gone,” she said, teeth chattering. The tree held Ethan captive. Cole still lay unconscious on the ground.

“There could be others.”

“There’s not.”

Even so, he held her closer until their bodies melded together like a safe, warm kiss. “I didn’t know you could do that with your magic,” he murmured.

“I c-couldn’t until now. And J-Joel. Maisy can do m-more than speak through m-minds.” She pulled away, frantically searching for her children.

“They are with Killian and his wife at our home. They are safe. You’ll have to tell me more about Maisy later. We need to get you off your foot.”

Fiery agony still pulsed through her ankle. But her trembling body needed his warmth, and her stiff fingers refused to release him. “In a m-minute.”

She was sure she reeked of rotting hay, mildew, and rat feces, but he held her close as if he could care less what she smelled like. And where did Killian come in? How had he known they needed help?

Her eyes widened as she recalled the vial Killian had given them. Could Joel have used it to summon the archmage? He must have. Joel was a smart man.

“Did you mean it?” he murmured into her hair.

“M-mean w-what?”

“You said you loved me.”

She laughed, which escaped more like a sob as she attempted to hold tighter to him with frozen fingers. “After everything, you’re most concerned about that?”

“You don’t understand,” he chuckled. “I would be a very happy man to be loved by you. And I’ve also dreamed of hearing you say those words for…I dunno…seven years now?”

A contented sigh left her lips, followed by a prolonged inhale as she took in the safety of his scent. “You sure know how to hold a torch for someone.”

“Only you.”

Finally, she pulled away just enough to gaze into his questioning green eyes. “I meant every word. I love you, Joel.”

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, as soft as a single feather brushing her lips.

“By the shadows,” a voice gulped behind them, and they broke apart just as Killian stumbled inside the barn. He sucked in breath after breath before taking a long swig of water from a canteen. “I’m exhausted.”

“You said you would return shortly,” Joel accused. “If I had waited for you any longer than I had…”

“I sincerely apologize.” Killian ran a hand down his face, dark circles beneath his eyes. “Shadewalking more than one person is tiring. I came as soon as I could.” He nodded toward Cole and then Ethan, not seeming at all surprised to find the man secured to a tree by its own branches. “What do you want to do with them?”

Both Joel and Killian turned toward her, waiting for her answer. Nyana wanted them gone. Somewhere they couldn’t harm their family again. Joel had spared Ethan’s life. But she feared she couldn’t pass any type of fair judgment after what they’d done. After their plans to kill their children as well.

“Give them to Calle,” she answered quietly. “He’ll be fair and just.”

Using what precious energy remained of her magic, she coaxed the tree into dumping Ethan beside Cole, but not before Joel tied up each of the men’s wrists and ankles.

Killian released a weary sigh as he grabbed each thug by the arm. “This trip will make me retch. I just know it.”