Mack tensed as Whip walked around behind him. What was he up to now? All his senses were screaming for him to follow the man and Bindi, who’d now disappeared behind the rocks, and he hardly noticed when Whip cut the tie binding his wrists, until he walked back in front, waving a small flick-knife in the air.
Mack rubbed his wrists and glowered at the thug, eyeing the knife in one hand and the gun in the other. The other man was close enough that if he kicked out, he’d be able to send the knife flying. But that still left the gun. Mack considered the consequences of taking a bullet. If it meant he could escape Whip, the price might be worth it. But there was also Bindi to consider. If he was injured or incapacitated, how would he help her?
“Raise your hands in the air and walk backward,” Whip commanded.
“What? Why.” Mack wasn’t ready to do as he was told.
A bullet ricocheted off the gravel, not a foot from where Mack was standing, and he jumped in fright. “Because I said so, that’s why,” Whip said, the corners of his mouth twitching upward in a vicious snarl.
Mack slowly raised his hands, showing that he was obeying, but taking his time about it. What was this guy up to? Mack wanted to glance over his shoulder, to see where Paunchy Guy had taken Bindi, but he didn’t dare take his eyes off Whip.
“Your lady friend asked me to pass on this little gift, courtesy of her. To make sure you’ll never ride any damn bull ever again.”
Before Mack could even react, Whip had raised the gun and shot at him. Pain seared through Mack’s right hand, and he stumbled backward, landing on his butt, cradling his hand to his chest. The bastard had shot him. Right through the hand. He gritted his teeth together to stop the howl of pain from emerging.
“That’s just a little reminder,” Whip laughed, as if he was enjoying this immensely. “But I doubt you’re going to need a reminder. Because you ain’t going to make it out of here alive.”
Blood roared through Mack’s ears, pounding so hard, he barely heard the other man’s caustic words. His hand was on fire. He wanted to look at the wound, assess the damage, but Whip was prodding him with the gun, telling him to get to his feet. The man had shot him through the hand to make sure he’d never be able to hold a bull-rope again. It was wickedly cruel, and ultimately simple. It also showed him that Whip wasn’t a man to be trifled with. He would shoot Mack again without a second thought, if he had to.
Mack stumbled in front of him, trying to staunch the bleeding by pushing his hand hard against his chest as well as concentrating on staying upright. He wanted to wail in anguish and pain. And anger. The anger was building inside him so he felt his blood might sear his veins, turn them to liquid metal. The world turned red in front of his eyes. This guy was going to pay for his crimes. Pay dearly.
“Around to the right,” Whip directed, as they passed by the first pile of enormous boulders. There was a faint path winding through the haphazardly strewn rocks, and Mack picked his way along. It was the same direction Paunchy Man had taken Bindi, and Mack kept his eyes trained on the ground in front, hoping to find any sign of her.
But there was nothing. No guy in the blue T-shirt, and no Bindi. The ground ahead was open and clear, apart from a heavy metal grate lying alone on a cleared area of gravel. As he got closer, Mack saw a large, unguarded hole opening like a yawning maw in the ground. Whip pushed him until they were standing next to the shaft. He could barely see more than ten feet down the hole before the light was swallowed up and darkness took over. He certainly couldn’t see the bottom. How deep was it? The metal grille had obviously been pried off the top with bolt cutters and a crowbar.
Whip took a small flashlight out of his pocket and shone it down the shaft, careful to keep the gun pointed at Mack. “Oh, look, there’s your girlfriend,” he crowed with glee.
What the…? Mack leaned over to peer down the shaft. The flashlight might be small, but it was powerful. The beam showed a hole around thirty feet deep, and there was Bindi’s body lying crumpled at the bottom. Paunchy Man must’ve dumped Bindi, then retreated to the car as Whip had ordered.
“Bindi,” Mack called urgently, but the only answer was a snort from Whip.
“Now, it’s your turn.” Whip took a step toward him, as if meaning to push him down the shaft, as well. “If the fall don’t kill you, that fire might stop anyone coming to rescue you,” Whip crowed, jerking out a hand and catching Mack by the shirtfront.
“No,” Mack howled, and bent his knees low, then sprang upward, shoving his shoulder into Whip’s gut. He heard the air leave the other man’s lungs in a whoosh, and then Mack karate chopped at Whip’s right hand with his own good hand, sending the gun twirling through the air to land in the dust ten feet away. Mack grabbed Whip in an arm lock around the neck, and the two men were entwined in mortal combat. Hampered by his wounded hand, Mack used his sheer desperation to stay alive and keep on top of Whip. He grappled with the man, and they rolled over and over in the dirt. He needed to defeat Whip. Then he could rescue Bindi out of that hole.
They rolled over and over, Mack fighting with every ounce of his being. If he could only subdue the man long enough, he could perhaps reclaim the gun. Pain shot through his wounded hand and up his arm; it was practically useless, he couldn’t use it to grab Whip’s clothing, or even punch him. Dust and spittle clouded the air as they struggled together on the ground. Suddenly, Mack felt the earth give way beneath his shoulders. Shit, they’d rolled too close to the edge of the hole. He struck out with his legs, trying to stop his trajectory. Whip seemed to notice at the same time, and he let go of Mack and grappled for the crumbling edge. Mack felt himself slowly, inexorably, slipping, being drawn into the gaping hole, while Whip still teetered on the edge. At the last second, he jerked, and clasped Whip’s shirtfront in his good hand. If he was going down, then he was taking this bastard with him.
Together, they tumbled down, down, into the darkness.