“Thank you,” Sasha consented. “That would be nice.”

Bindi almost choked at their formality. They were so sweet she had to look away, so Sasha didn’t catch her grinning like a loon at them. Julie, who was sitting next to Bindi, actually had to cover her mouth to stifle a giggle and then nudged Bindi’s arm. She, Julie and Skylar suspected the couple had started seeing each other on the down low, but Sasha wouldn’t admit it, her face always blushing a deep red if anyone brought up the subject.

Aaron asked what Julie thought was so funny, and she shushed him with a mock frown. “I’ll tell you later,” Julie mouthed to Aaron. They were another sweet couple. Stormcloud was abounding with loved-up pairs. Everyone was taking bets that Skylar and Nash would be next to tie the knot. But Bindi was holding out for Julie and Aaron, who’d found love a second time after twelve long years of separation. They were so right for each other, and the way Aaron looked at Julie sometimes, as if she was the only woman in the world, it nearly made Bindi swoon. Made her want something like that. True love that’d last the distance.

Bindi gave another yawn. She was more than ready to get some sleep, but she’d wait another five minutes until Sasha and Alek were well out of the way. All of a sudden, Mack was at her elbow, hunkering down next to her chair. She hadn’t noticed him move because she’d been so enraptured by the two lovebirds.

Mack had seemed more attentive since their moment together in the boardroom. As if something had shifted between them. The wall of wary watchfulness she put up when he was around had been lowered by the kindness he’d shown her. He seemed less presumptuous, and she knew she felt less prickly, less in need of protecting herself.

“I’ll walk you back to the staff quarters too, if you like?” He raised a wicked eyebrow and Bindi almost swatted him. He demurred and said, “I saw you yawning over here, and knew you’d be heading off shortly, too. But I wanted to talk to you quickly, if that’s okay.”

What did he want to talk to her about? There was only one way to find out. “Sure,” she replied, and stood up. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” She scooped up her empty glass, then weaved between the chairs, retrieving other glasses that’d been haphazardly left under chairs and on scattered side tables. When her hands were full, she stood in front of Daniella. “I’m shattered. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Thanks for all your help. We couldn’t have done it without you,” Daniella replied, waving a hand around at the satisfied group of people lounging on the veranda. “Especially after the day you’ve had.” Bindi knew she meant after her run-in with Mutt. Daniella might have high standards and expect everyone else to step up, but she also was the first one to acknowledge a job well done. She might demand the best of someone, but she wasn’t stingy when it came to praise, either. While she and Steve had been off picking up Dean and Naomi, Bindi and Skylar had worked their butts off to make sure the dinner they served up to their American guests was of the highest quality. With everything else going on regarding the wedding, they didn’t really have time to create a five-course gourmet menu. But Daniella wanted to showcase the best Stormcloud had to offer, so Skylar had agreed on the proviso that the rest of the meals from here on until the wedding would be nutritious, but simple affairs. Daniella agreed with an airy wave of her hand that left neither Bindi nor Skylar convinced of her sincerity.

There was a chorus of “Goodnight” from the others lounging in their chairs as Bindi headed through the French doors into the great room.

No one seemed to have noticed that Mack had disappeared.

He was waiting in the kitchen for her, just as she’d asked. Sprawled against the countertop, he raised one sexy eyebrow in a smoldering look as she entered, and it was all she could do to keep hold of her handful of glassware. He’d dressed up for the arrival of his old boss, Dean, wearing a charcoal-gray shirt with white swirls on the collar and down the arms, teamed with his skinny, black jeans and a pair of dark brown leather cowboy boots. The shirt was unbuttoned to reveal his toned pecs, a smattering of curls appearing in the V of the shirt. Why was he so damned hot? And why was she so affected by him?

“Here, let me help you.” He reached out and took some glasses from her hands. She pretended not to feel the thrum of anticipation as his fingers touched hers.

“Shall we take a quick walk up to the stables?” He tilted his head and watched her out of hooded eyes.

She should say no. It was dangerous to be alone with him. Especially the way she was feeling tonight.

“Yes.” Her mouth answered, even as her brain cursed her. He motioned for her to lead the way, and she walked down the short hallway to the back door, conscious of him right behind her. They didn’t speak on the short trip up the hill to the stables.

They reached the stabling yard, and by force of habit, Bindi went up to the fence and gave a low whistle, calling Sahara over. The horse was a pale wraith in the shadows, placing her warm muzzle in Bindi’s hand.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” She kept her focus on the horse. This conversation needed to be straightforward and candid. That way, she couldn’t stray into prohibited territory.

“What?” Even in the dim light traveling out through the wide stable doors, she could see his gaze following the length of her legs, up over her hips and finally coming to rest on her face. Then his eyes seemed to clear, but instead of being embarrassed that she’d caught him checking her out, he merely smiled that rakish, pirate smile of his, and said, “Oh, yeah, that.”

One night only. One night, that was all she wanted. She didn’t need any more from him.

Perhaps if she tattooed that on the inside of her eyelids, she might begin to follow her own rules.

It didn’t help that they were standing in the exact same place where Mack had first told her about his injuries and asked her to keep his secret. The same place where she’d first felt the carnal attraction of him, where her body had reacted to his tempting, raw sexuality, even though she tried to deny it. She wished he’d chosen a different spot. One that didn’t remind her how much she still wanted him.

“I talked to Dean tonight. And he’s going to start his own little investigation into Clarissa Melman.”

“Okay, that’s good.” Was that all? Why did he need to bring her up here to tell her that?

“I told him about the guy at the rodeo, the one who tried to warn me off. And he agrees it’s too much of a coincidence. As soon as I show my face at a rodeo, even though it might be in Australia, I’m getting death threats.”

“So, he believes you about the damaged bull rope?”

“Yep. But back then, he wanted to respect my father’s wishes to not get involved. My father doesn’t like to rock the boat. But now, Dean thinks this has gone too far. He’s heard rumors about this Bettdorff app, and the word is the company is losing money. Lots and lots of money.”

“I guess that’s a good thing that Dean’s investigating, then,” Bindi said, stroking Sahara’s neck through the railing.

“Damn straight, it’s a good thing. Clarissa needs to know she can’t get away with her bullying, dangerous manner. It might go some way to explaining her behavior—Clarissa was always desperate to gain daddy’s approval. But just because her company is in debt for millions of dollars doesn’t give her the right to behave like a member of the Mafia.”

Mack stepped closer, so that he was in her personal space. She had no choice but to look up into his face.

“But that’s not the only reason I wanted to talk to you.”