“Wait a second.” Daniella held up an imperious finger.

What was with this family? Were they all intent on interrupting everything he said?

“You two know each other?” Daniella asked.

Julie was the first to answer. “You could say that.” She pushed her half-drunk coffee away, and Aaron stiffened, wondering what she might be about to say. “But he was very different back then. Aaron worked as a jackaroo on Tony’s farm, Roseby Downs in Dalgety. We were…friends. I have no idea who this…” she waved a hand up and down, encompassing Aaron “…person is. The last time I saw Aaron, he was wearing jeans and plaid and wanted to start a farm of his own one day. Not become a protection agent, that’s for sure.” Julie’s lips curled in disdain. At least she’d left out the part about them being much more than friends. About the times he’d snuck into her bedroom. About the intimacy they’d shared.

“Oh, is that all?” Daniella dropped her shoulders and pushed the plate of cookies toward Aaron. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem. Will it?” She directed her question at Steve.

Steve was studying his daughter through narrowed eyes, rubbing a hand across his stubbled chin. “No. Not unless Julie says it’s a problem. This gentleman looks highly capable, and he comes well recommended by the company.”

Julie stuttered for a few moments before finding her tongue. “No, I guess that’s not what’s worrying me.” If she wasn’t going to reveal their true relationship, then she had no real reason to object to him. She’d caught herself in her own trap. “My problem is that I don’t want a bodyguard.” She enunciated each word carefully, finally looking Aaron directly in the eye.

“I’m not a bodyguard,” he said coolly, managing to hide the hint of a smile that wanted to break loose.

“Oh, you…” Julie stood up, grabbing her hat and sunglasses off the table.

But before she could storm out of the room, Steve said, “Sit down, Julie. Please.” He held his daughter’s gaze, not threatening, but firm and unwavering. “This is important. Do it for me, if not for you.”

All the fight seemed to drain out of her, and she slumped back into the chair. “Fine,” she grumbled.

Good, perhaps now they could finally get down to business. Aaron took the lead. “Tell me about this stalker, then.” He softened his tone slightly, not wanting to antagonize her any more. She was his client. For now. At least until he could get Jake to fix this mess. “When did it start? How is he related to you?” he asked. At the same time, he took a small notebook and pen from the front pocket of his backpack. He’d fax his notes over to Shield as soon as possible, so they could start a file.

“Ah…” Julie hesitated and then raised her eyebrows in Steve’s direction, the tips of her ears going red.

“You have to tell him, love,” Steve said gently.

Julie looked down and bit her lip. Aaron noticed two things at once; how lusciously pink and plump her bottom lip was, and how his inner protector stood up at attention at the sudden haunted look in Julie’s eyes.

“I’m pretty sure he must have latched on to me at the clinic, but I’m not sure exactly,” she said in a small voice.

“What clinic was that?” Aaron asked, voice cool as he opened his notebook to take down the details.

“The Marie Stopes Family Planning Clinic,” she replied, not meeting his eyes, instead staring at the closed door to the meeting room, as if it were suddenly fascinating.

“Uh-huh,” he prompted. “And why do you think that?”

She hung her head. “The only thing I can think was that he was part of a group hanging around out the front, chanting and handing out pamphlets. You know, those groups that accost women, try to stop them going through with it.”

Stop women going through with what? He was about to voice the question when it suddenly hit him like a brick to the head.

Julie had had an abortion.

The thought caused a riot of emotions to rise in his chest. The feeling that took precedence was an overwhelming desire to make sure that Julie was okay. Whatever reason she’d had to terminate a pregnancy, he knew it’d have to be a good one. Julie was nothing if not a woman of principals and high morals. Now that he’d met her father, he had an inkling where that strength of fortitude might come from. But to terminate a pregnancy. That must’ve taken some courage. He studied her face, wondering what kind of toll that might’ve taken on her emotionally. There’d been no mention of a boyfriend or husband. Should he assume whoever got her pregnant was now out of the picture? He suddenly wished she hadn’t had to go through that. Wished he could’ve been there for her.

It seemed they’d both changed in the past twelve years. Had perhaps both done things they weren’t proud of. Had found out what they were capable of. She wasn’t the same woman he’d known back then, either.

He had a good reason for leaving her twelve years ago. And she must’ve had a good reason for doing what she did, as well. It looked like they both lived with hard-made choices and decisions. When he’d found out the truth about himself, everything had changed; he’d lost sight of all his goals and motivations, which suddenly seemed petty and worthless. Plans made by a young, gullible man with no idea how the real world worked.

Now he knew better. And so, it seemed, did Julie.