“Dale’s coming,” he whispered.

Finally, she seemed to grasp the situation, and drew in a deep, shuddering breath, then frantically tried to straighten her hair and her shirt at the same time.

“Yeah,” she called. “I’m right here.” She stepped out from behind the tree, Aaron lingering behind her. If he stepped into the light, Dale would know by the bulge in his pants what they’d been up to. Would he mind his stepsister was out here kissing the hired bodyguard? Aaron preferred not to find out, at least not tonight.

“Oh.” Dale stopped when he saw Julie emerge from the shadows. “Ah, sorry…I just wanted to check you were okay.” His gaze traced Julie’s features and then flicked to Aaron. Shit, they’d been busted. The look on Dale’s face said he knew exactly what they’d been up to.

“Yep, we’re all good.” Julie stared at her stepbrother, and Aaron was impressed at how implacable she seemed. She wasn’t going to let him ruffle her feathers, and she wasn’t going to give him any more info than was absolutely necessary.

“That’s good…” Dale hesitated, then he must’ve come to a decision, because he said, “Right, I’m off to bed. Shall I turn out the lamps in the mess tent?”

“Yes, please,” Julie replied sweetly. “I’m going to hit the hay, as well.” She stretched her arms above her head and gave a mock yawn, and Aaron had to hide his smile.

“Goodnight, then.” Dale still looked dubious. “Goodnight to you too, Aaron,” he called, as he turned on a booted heel.

They stood and watched him saunter away over the dusty clearing toward the fire. Aaron could see the rest of the crew milling around, also getting ready to go to bed.

Julie turned to Aaron and covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. “Jeezes, he nearly caught us making out like sex-starved teenagers,” she whispered.

“Maybe I still am a sex-starved teenager,” he said, gathering her back up into his arms. The moment might have been interrupted, but he wanted nothing more than to go right back to what they’d been doing. “You make me feel truly alive for the first time in forever,” he admitted. He dropped his lips to the delicate spot right behind her ears where he remembered she was ticklish and she purred, her body melting against his, sending a shot of heat straight to his groin. “I haven’t been able to think about anything else but you, from the very first time I saw you again, all fired up and ready to send me packing in the hallway.”

“This is crazy,” she muttered into his ear. “But when I’m with you, all propriety seems to go out the window.” Her fingers ran around the top of his waistband, then one hand reached around to cup his butt cheek and gave it a cheeky little squeeze. It was nice to see that she hadn’t lost any of her confidence when it came to seduction. She’d always been feisty and imaginative. One of her best qualities. “This past week, with you around, I forget who I am. Forget I’m supposed to stay away from you.” As she spoke, she palmed his cock through the fabric of his jeans.

“Oh, sweet Jesus,” he groaned. What was she doing to him?

As if coming to a decision, she suddenly stepped away from him. “Go and get the swags,” she commanded. “I’ll meet you back here in five minutes.”

“Okay,” he drawled, uncertain of what that meant. Was she saying what he thought she was saying?

Then she kissed him, hard and deep, and he was left in no doubt of what she meant. That kiss was a promise of what was to come.

He had the swags set up in record time and was leaning as nonchalantly as he could against the tree trunk when Julie returned. In the past few minutes, once his blood had returned from down south of his waistband, and he regained a measure of common sense, he’d come up with a million and one reasons they couldn’t do what he thought they were about to do. She was a client, and he had strict rules when it came to fraternizing with a client. But Julie had smashed down all those walls of protocol and procedure with one easy smile. Perhaps he should’ve asked Jake to swap him out when he still had the chance. Then he might not be about to compromise all his morals and hard-won ethics just to spend one night with a woman he used to be in love with. When Julie came back, he was going to give her every excuse to allow her to back out of this. No, he’d tell her they couldn’t do this.

A twig snapped and his attention zeroed in on the dark space between the caravan and the swags. He could just make out her lithe figure walking toward him. It was hard to see any details in the soft starlight, but when she finally got close enough, he gulped down a breath when he saw she was only wearing a towel wrapped around her like a toga.

“Hi,” she said, a seductive, husky note to her voice. Then Julie dropped the towel, and his mouth went dry and couldn’t form a single, coherent word.

She was completely naked.

And still as gorgeous as ever. And as daredevil as ever. All his reasons not to go ahead with this evaporated.

His gaze roved over her as he closed the gap between them, still lost for words. He stopped a few inches from her, drinking in her glorious body. Pert breasts, nipples taut, shimmering in the pale light offered by the stars. His cock went so hard he thought it might burst through his jeans.

The space between them hummed with potential, sweet and sensual and full of unspoken hunger.

“God, Jules, you’re beautiful.”

“Really?” she breathed, and he caught a hint of uncertainty. The fact that she was unsure of herself made him that much more attracted to her.

“Of course.” He traced a finger lightly over her cheekbone.

He loved that she was so daring. But he was also aware that prying eyes may be able to see her creamy skin glowing in the starlight, so he scooped her up and carried her to his swag—it was a king-size, and while it’d be snug, they’d both be able to fit. A little sound of surprise left her lips, then she slipped her hands around the back of his neck, and looked up at him, so sweet and trusting. Lowering her into the cover of his swag, he pried her fingers away from his neck and hastily shucked his boots, jeans, and shirt in three quick seconds—he’d already stowed his weapon beneath his swag—so he was now as naked as she was. Then he went to slip in beside her.

“Wait.” She put a hand on his chest. “Fair’s, fair,” she said with a cheeky smile. “I need to see what I’ve been missing out on, too.”

He rocked back on his heels and squared his shoulders, letting her look her fill.

“Holy…Jeezes. Wow, you’re so…” She couldn’t finish her sentence, but he took it to mean that she liked what she saw.