“Oh, my God, these are amazing,” Daisy said, through a mouthful of scone.

“I know, aren’t they good?” He took a seat next to her, and opened the tub of cream, offering her a dollop from his knife. “Skylar uses wattleseeds in them. She grinds them up herself. She says that’s what gives them the lovely, nutty flavor.” Dale took a large bite of scone, slathered in cream and jam and then had to wait until he finished his mouthful before adding, “I don’t really care how she does it, all I know is they taste great.”

Daisy’s wide, eucalyptus-green eyes fixed on him. “It’s good that she uses native bush seeds in these. Does she use any other native foods in her cooking?”

“Yes, she does. It’s part of the ethos of this whole place. We try to make everything as sustainable as it can be. And as authentically Australian. Skylar sources as much food as possible from the local area. She cooks with things like kangaroo, barramundi, and redclaw crayfish right from our billabong—even crocodile. And, of course, there’s the beef we raise right here on the station.”

“Hm, that’s great.” Her tone turned thoughtful, and he wondered if she was perhaps storing away ideas to help the Kuku Group with their plans for expansion. Perhaps they could start growing some of the more well-known native foods, create a product, and sell them to the general public—even get them into supermarkets.

As he was about to put his thoughts into words, the door of the living room opened, and Steve strode in.

He stopped when he caught sight of Dale sitting on the lounge. Steve was taller than Dale, and broader across the shoulders, still wearing his Drizabone and Akubra. Water pooled on the wooden floorboards as it dripped from his coat, but he didn’t seem to notice.

“Good, you’re back.” Steve came forward, then seemed to notice Daisy for the first time. “Who’s this?”

“This is Daisy. And I was about to come and report to you. The cattle are safe. For now. Although if we get too much more rain…” Dale trailed off as he noticed Steve staring at Daisy strangely.

“You look familiar. Have I seen you somewhere before?” Steve asked.

Dale turned to look at Daisy. She sat like a frozen statue, staring at Steve.