DAISY STARED AT Dale for an endless moment. The air was alive with the nighttime sounds of insects buzzing. She could hear frogs croaking somewhere in the distance. And a flock of tiny finches flew past on their way to roost for the night. Daisy knew the stars were coming out one by one above them, the night sky descending like a soft blanket over the scarp.

But all she could see was Dale’s face. His brown eyes piercing through to her soul. He wanted her. He liked her. Over the past month, she’d felt so lost and alone. No one truly understood, and no one knew how hard this had been on her. She was the strong one. Always had been. She supported River because she was the oldest. But he didn’t understand that she needed support as well. A bit of compassion wouldn’t have gone astray. She craved some human touch; human connection.

And that was what Dale was offering. All she had to do was grasp it with both hands. Not question his reasons and not question the repercussions until afterwards.

Getting to her feet, she came around the table and took Dale’s hand, drawing him out of his chair. There was a question in the twist of his lips. Her answer was to stand on tiptoe and take his mouth in hers and kiss him, hard. She knocked his hat off, so she could run her fingers through his short curls, and it lay in the dust, forgotten.

She couldn’t seem to get close enough. Her left leg twined around behind his knee and she lifted her hips so she could grind against his. Both her arms wrapped around his neck as she reached up and tilted her head so she could get the exact right angle to gain the best access to his hot mouth.

His big hands trapped her buttocks, pulling her in so tight against him she could feel every rippling muscle of his chest. And his erection. There was no way she could miss that, straining to escape from his jeans. Dale’s mouth left hers and he trailed kisses down the side of her neck, and she was sure he left scorch marks wherever his lips touched. She leaned her head backward, giving him better access to the sensitive spot at the base of her throat. A groan escaped her lips as his tongue lapped over her collarbone and into the hollow beneath.

He was setting her on fire. If she hadn’t had her leg wrapped around him, she might very well melt into a puddle on the dust. The sensations running through her body were both familiar, but also new. She’d encountered lust before, but this was on another level. This was like a chemical explosion going off in her brain, in her body.

Her fingers found the top button of his shirt. Skin. She needed to feel skin. But the button wouldn’t come loose, and in a fit of frustration, she pulled with all her might, ripping the shirt from his body.

He gasped and lifted his head. His dark eyes fixed on hers, pupils dilated. Daisy didn’t have time to wonder at her brazenness. Her mouth found one hardened nipple, and she sucked it, letting her tongue roll around the edges.

“Oh, God, Daisy,” he croaked, the sound of his voice sending shivers right through her core. Then he picked her up in his muscular arms and it was her turn to gasp in surprise. Before she knew it, he’d let her down gently on the picnic rug, covering her body with his own. The stars twinkled above, so bright they hardly needed the small lantern.

She was desperate to get his shirt off. To get him naked. She’d never been this desperate before in her life. Not even with Troy. Something in Dale called to something deep within Daisy.

The buttons on his jeans popped open as her shaking fingers pried them undone. The belt buckle was a little harder to manage, but she soon had that unfastened, as well. She pushed on the waistband, taking the pants down over his hips, and he helped her by obligingly shimmying them further down past his ankles. She took the opportunity to remove her shorts and pull her T-shirt over her head, leaving her wearing only panties and a bra. Dale had on his ripped shirt, but Daisy found that no hindrance. In fact, it was kinda sexy.

Hot skin connected with hers as Dale lay down on top of her again, his mouth colliding with hers. A sudden shiver of tension ran through his body and he broke the kiss, staring down at her. His lips never moved, but his eyes asked the question, nonetheless. Are you okay with this? They seemed to say, Are we going too fast?

Maybe they were. But nothing had felt this right, ever.

She nodded, her fingers digging into the small of his back, urging his mouth onto to hers. It was all the permission he needed. He lowered his head, his delicious tongue working down her chest, over the top of the lacy fabric of her bra. The heat of him sent tiny electric impulses straight to her belly. And then lower. Between her legs, which was sizzling with anticipation.

“I hope you have a condom, because I’m not sure I could stop, even if you don’t,” she whispered in his ear. Her voice sounded harsh in the soft night air. She didn’t want to speak, all she wanted was to feel, to be.

He said nothing. Perhaps he couldn’t even talk. But the crinkle of a foil packet as he reached over toward his jeans told her as much as his words could’ve.

She’d never made love outside before. Preferring the comfort and order of a roof over her head and the predictability of soft furnishings below. This was new to her. Something she could hold close to her heart, treasure for the rest of her life.

Dale rolled away for a second to sheath himself, and then he was back.

She used those seconds to remove her own panties and bra, and then pushed him down and slid on top. It was her turn to take charge. She wanted to watch his face. Without waiting, she straddled him, lowering herself down over his cock.

He made a guttural sound in the depths of his throat, animalistic and primal. They moved together, his gaze on her face, his hands on her hips, urging her on.

Slowing the pace, she took control of the rhythm. He was close, she could tell. So was she. They’d been heading towards this ultimate, inevitable ending for a few days now, and neither of them needed long to reach the peak tonight. Once more she rose up and then sank down onto him, slowly but surely. Dale threw his head back, the ecstasy overtaking him. She arched her spine, rising and falling with his rhythm. And she felt it, too. Her own orgasm rising to crescendo. It hit her like a wave, bowling her over, and she closed her eyes and dug her nails into Dale’s chest, holding onto him like he was her lifeboat.

Collapsing onto his chest, she lay there contentedly for many unheeded moments. Until at last, she found the strength to roll onto the picnic rug beside him.

She hadn’t noticed before, but sweat covered her body. A slight balmy breeze tickled her naked breasts, cooling her. Still panting from exertion, she turned to look at Dale.

That had been intense. Almost like she was drowning, and Dale was the only one who could save her.

They lay entwined in each other’s arms, looking at the stars through the leaves of the stringybark. For the first time, Daisy wondered if they were safe from prying eyes. But she decided Dale wouldn’t bring her here if they weren’t. Maybe a possum, or perhaps an owl flying overhead might’ve seen them, but otherwise they were completely alone.

“I’ve never done it outside before,” she finally said.

“How was the experience?” he asked in mock seriousness.

“I can definitely recommend it. Perhaps I should put it in a review for the resort. One more thing the guests have to try before they leave.”