What the hell was going on? Daniella stood, stony-faced and unsmiling near the bar. And Steve looked positively sick, his handsome, tanned face had taken on a green pallor, like he was about to puke his guts up at any moment.

People began to mutter between themselves.

Skylar and Bindi came in carrying covered trays of what Daisy assumed were freshly baked scones from the class this morning and placed them on the bar. A coffee urn and kettle were already set up, along with cups stacked up neatly. Sally followed behind, carrying two jugs of milk, which she set down next to the urn. They looked as confused as everyone.

Wazza arrived through a side door, but stayed in the background, leaning against the far end of the bar. He hadn’t bothered to remove his hat, but Daniella didn’t even seem to notice. Daisy tried to get a good look at Wazza’s face, to see if he knew something the rest of them didn’t, but it was hidden in the shadow cast by the brim of his hat.

“Right, I think everyone is here, now,” Daniella said a little too forcibly.

There was a pause, and Daniella looked to Steve. He stared back at her, standing so still as if he were paralyzed, the silence stretching on between them.

Daniella closed her eyes for a second, then took a deep breath. “I’m not really sure how to say this, so I’m just going to come out with it.”

Everyone sat forward in their chairs.

“A body was found in the creek this morning. Down by the old mine site. We think…actually we know… It’s Karri. She’s dead.” Daniella’s last words were said on a sob and she covered her mouth with her hand.

You could’ve heard a pin drop; the silence was so complete.

Then there was a collective intake of breath, and everyone started talking at once.