Ethan. Even before Luke said his next words, I knew he was referring to him.
"Yes," I said.
* * *
Even though she had made an effort to look presentable before coming down the stairs to see me, she appeared weakened by her grief. I expected her to decline my invitation, but I could tell she had the strength within her to do what we both needed to do.
A part of her liked Ethan, perhaps even loved him, because I'd seen them together several times, and the maid had a lot of stories to tell for low pay. Vanessa had jumped into a fight between two men to save hislife, and her devotion had kept her out of my clutches until Fred was apprehended and killed.
Her undying love for Ethan was shattered. And from my life experience, I had learned that the greatest hatreds were formed from the greatest loves.
"Ethan," I began, pausing long enough for her to join in.
"Are you confirming that Ethan did it?" she asked.
"When it comes to the head of the family, I cannot confirm or deny anything. It's treason, and knowing my nephew, he'd have me killed, shot in the head or stabbed," I said, emphasizing the word “stabbed.”
Her eyes were brighter after I spoke.
Ethan murdered your uncle. That is what you must believe. I nudged her closer to that version of the facts.
"So, whatcan you tell me without getting in trouble?"
"Nothing," I said at first, trying to gauge her interest. She was hooked.
I moved closer to her before speaking again. "Ethan is unpredictable. He saunters into fights that could be avoided with chitchat or good old-fashioned forgiveness. I'm sorry for your uncle, but he's not the only one who's died since Ethan took over."
"You want to get rid of him," I said to her, not as a question but still waiting for an answer.
Vanessa was shaken by the candor of my words. She was well aware that her next response was on her. I had not yet implicated myself and had no intention of doing so until she had committed herself to the cause.
"It's all right. You are not required to tell me anything you do not wish to,"I said, raising my right hand in surrender.
"I want to," she said abruptly.
"He is my nephew, my family, but he is a monster who must be stopped before he devours someone else. For Fred's sake, I will help you," I offered.
"I don't think I can do it," she admitted, bowingher head in defeat. "I've never killed anyone before. I don't think I can do it, let alone Ethan. He's beenkind to me."
"Before your uncle," I reminded her.
"I can't do this. I'm not cut out for this," she said.
I sighed as I considered the situation. Given my nephew's mistrust of me and my son, I would have preferred that she kill Ethan herself. Dylan would have been a better hitman, but she was a better choice. Ethan wasn't going to notice anything because he’d never suspect her. But she lacked determination.
There wasn't enough time to teach her how to use a weapon, let alone kill with one, so I changed my strategy.
"I'll do it," I said. "I'll only need your help to set up a situation in which we can both catch Ethan off guard."
Vanessa Westbrook agreed with a nod, and my plan was set in motion. I expected herto be staring down at my nephew's face inside a coffin in a matter of days.