Page 158 of Secret Service

Sheridan stares up at Brennan, not moving, not breathing.

Finally, he reaches up.

Brennan leans hard into me as he helps Sheridan to his feet. I fumble for my handcuff keys in the bottom of my pocket, and I get them out, get to Sheridan’s side. Unlock the cuffs I placed around him for the second time today, and drop them and the ripped-apart door panel to the cargo deck.

Sheridan is shaking like he’s got no center, no pillars inside him anymore, and he’s going to collapse in seconds. He takes a step, but like Brennan, he falters. He stumbles into me and sinks against my chest. His open mouth presses against my shoulder, tears and snot and a broken moan falling from him.

Brennan lays his hand on Sheridan’s neck. I cradle Sheridan’s cheek, press my lips to his forehead.

We wait for Sheridan to scrape his soul back together.

He steadies his breaths, and his hands uncurl from their white-knuckle clench in the fabric of my shirt. He draws back, and Brennan loops his arm around Sheridan’s waist.

I give Nuñez the nod. “Call it in.”

“All stations,” she radios. “Threat is neutralized. Ranger is secure.”