Page 129 of Secret Service

Anatoly nods. “Those men I was with yesterday? They were delivering information about him to me from Moscow. We believe the cutout and the American spy made contact at the UN General Assembly in September.”

“Tell me his name.”

“We are trading. I cannot give you everything without you giving me what I want in exchange.”

“Give me the cutout, and I’ll give you Konstantin.”

“No. It’s not going to work like that. You Americans are clumsy. You will get me killed when you overplay your hand. I have been chasing Kirilov’s spy for months. You don’t get to short-circuit that because you are on a mission of vengeance.”

“Then what do you want from me?”

“I will give you the cutout’s name only if we find your traitor together. You and me, not your entire government and all your American leaks. I’m trying to keep my head. More than that, I’m trying to save my country.”

“By keeping Kirilov in power, or removing him? Whose side are you on, Anatoly?”

He bares his teeth. “I’m on the side of my country. Russia needs her future back.”

How am I supposed to parse that answer? Damn Russians and their doublespeak.


Sheridan’s voice, right behind me, makes me flinch. I never even heard him move. “What?”

He’s ashen, and I can see the whites of his eyes. He’s got his cell phone in his hand with a breaking news article pulled up on the screen. “Look.”

President Missing, screams the headline, in the largest text I’ve ever seen on CNN. Mystery Car Crash in Rock Creek Park Confirmed to Involve President Walker. Multiple Fatalities Reported. Possibly No Survivors.

“Fuck,” I bellow. “Fuck!”

“There’s more, sir,” Sheridan whispers. “Marshall is going to make a statement.”