Page 67 of Secret Service

“It was started by thermite grenades. That’s the accelerant we were looking for. Thermite grenades are part of the Secret Service standard vehicle loadout, correct?”

I nod.

“We recovered four separate slag drops.” Slag is the molten remnants left behind after a thermite grenade detonates. “There were two in the rear passenger compartment, one in the center console between the two front seats, and another in the front passenger footwell. Based on the positioning of the grenades, it appears the fire was intentionally set. They didn’t go off in their storage case. They were placed.”

A scenario plays out in my mind, built upon the forensics Ahn and her team are uncovering: Henry slamming on the brakes. Throwing the SUV into reverse. Losing control. The SUV tumbling over the side.

Did Clint drag Brennan free first? Did Henry fight his way out and try to save him? Or was Clint lying in wait, and he executed Henry as soon as he made it through the driver’s window, then shot Stewart?

With Henry and Stewart dead, Clint would have had all the time in the world to drag Brennan out of the car and set those grenades to cover his tracks.

But why? Why would Clint Cross, CIA officer, pride of Director Liu, do this? What propelled him down this path? What twisted choices did he make, again and again and again, that led him to a darkened road in the middle of Rock Creek Park?