Page 121 of Secret Service

My fingers are wet and wrinkled from spinning my beer glass. I haven’t taken a single sip. My heart is pounding. Merde, am I really thinking of going to him? Asking him this question? Six weeks, sixty thousand minutes. Seeing him again—

My eyes close.

“Henry, I’m going to take the weekend off.”

Henry’s eyes flash. “Is Sheridan going to need a wheelchair on Monday?”

“No. But check in on him this weekend, okay? He told me how he feels about me tonight.”

“Shit, really? Before you got here?” I nod. Henry whistles. “I’m giving that kid a medal for bravery. Shit, I thought I’d have to live with him making eyes at you forever. So, why the weekend off?”

“I’m going to take a trip.”

A slow smile unfurls across his face. “Catoctin Mountain?”

I nod again.Catoctin Mountain. Camp David.

I don’t want any more anguished daydreams, or late-night vigils, or memories that bleed into visions of fantasy futures.

I need to know.

And then I need to move forward. With him or without him.

Henry pays the tab and then walks me back across the street to the White House. He doesn’t say a word as I sign out an SUV from the motor pool. We walk to the corner of the garage, to where we’re shaded by darkness and the overhang, and he holds open the driver’s door as I climb in. “Gonna radio ahead?”


“What’s your excuse for heading up there gonna be?”

“I have an hour and a half to figure that out.” I hesitate, one foot hanging out the door. “I don’t know what will happen. He might throw me out on my ass.”

“If you need to, come back to my place. Tonight. Okay?” Henry doesn’t need to be kind after all the shit I’ve shoveled on him, but he is. “If he has any sense at all, he’s going to thank his lucky stars and I won’t hear from you until Monday. But my couch is always open.”

I start up the SUV and roll down the window. “Take care of Sheridan this weekend?”

“I’ll distract him with video games and weight lifting. Manly things, so he can’t feel the heartbreak you inflicted.”

I roll my eyes as I put it in reverse.

“Good luck, boss.”