I love it.

I absolutely love her show of support and loyalty toward her husband.

Anyway, prior to the show, Cleo was the one who told Salem about this amazing fortune teller’s booth run by a girl called Dove. So all my girls decided to stop by while all the guys decided to stay far away from it and stand huddled in a group six booths over.

Which is where Jupiter is looking.

And even though all the guys are standing in a group like I said, I still know that she’s staring at Shepard. Because she’s done that all day long. She’s followed him with her eyes all throughout the carnival and the guy has zero clue.

Mostly because he’s either busy shooting the shit with the guys — mostly Arrow, Salem’s pro-soccer player boyfriend; apparently they played each other a few months back because Shepard is a soccer player too and have struck up a kind of friendship; also Reed because like Reed, Shepard is into cars — or playing on his phone.

And I think I know why he’s playing on his phone.

So with my heart squeezing for my friend, I pull her away from the group and whisper, “You know he has a girlfriend, right?”

Jupiter is slightly surprised by both me pulling her and by my words. “What, who?”

I give her a look. “Jupiter.”

She seems to be thinking about things before she sighs and says, “I know.”

I tip my chin in his direction; he’s playing on the phone right now. “I think he’s texting her. Right now.”

Her lips purse. “You don’t know that.”

“Are you serious? The guy’s been stuck to his phone all day.” I lean down and whisper super seriously, “He is texting a girl, Jupiter. And since he’s got a girlfriend, I’m guessing it’s her.”

As much as I hate it for my friend, I’m fairly confident he’s texting his girlfriend. Her name is Isadora and from what Callie has told me, he’s crazy about her. Oh and she’s also told me that there’s some tension between him and Stellan – Shepard and Stellan are identical twins – regarding this whole Isadora thing. She has no idea why or what the hell is going on between her two brothers but she’s sensed some conflict.

But anyway that’s not important right now.

I’m more worried about my friend here.

Again, Jupiter seems to be thinking about things. Then, “Okay, so fine. He’s texting his girlfriend. So?”

“So.” I shake my head. “What are you doing staring at him? This has heartbreak written all over it.”

Finally my words get through to her and her shoulders sag. “I know. I already know. For more reasons than one.”

I look at her speculatively. “You know you can talk to me, right? You can tell me all the reasons.”

She gives me a small, sad smile. “I know. But some things are just better left unsaid.”

Oh, Jupiter.

I wonder what it is. I wonder how I can help her.

Because I do want to help her. I want to help all my friends. I want them all to be happy.

As happy as I am right now.

And for the most part, they are.

Like, Callie just got the news from Dove that she might be getting some good news soon. Like the baby variety. Which completely stunned her. “But I already have a baby. I mean, that’s crazy.”

At which point, Salem pointed out, “But if you really think about it, look who you’re married to. It’s Reed. It’s your gorgeous villain. Of course there’s gonna be a lot of babies in your future.”

And so we all stared at Reed for a while.

Who has Halo strapped to his chest and he’s been carrying that little girl around all day without letting Callie take her even once, getting the brunt of it so she could enjoy herself with her friends. And God, he does look sexy with his one hand splayed on Halo’s back while he plays with her fists almost absentmindedly as he talks and laughs with the guys.

So yeah, definitely babies.

And then, Salem and Wyn both got the news that there may be some serious commitment in their future. For Salem, it might come naturally and easily. Hello? Arrow is totally crazy about her. I bet he’ll ask her to marry him the first chance that he gets.

But for Wyn, there might be some struggle.

So it was my turn to point out, “Well, we all know how Conrad is. He’s super rigid about things. So you’re gonna have to do some convincing.”

Callie sympathized. “I know my brother. He’s going to be all, oh my God, you’re so young and whatnot. Just don’t give up.”

Wyn, like the calm and determined person that she is, smiled. “Oh, I’m never giving up.” Then, looking at him from across the space where he was chatting with the guys, she adds, “Your brother is worth the fight.”