Devin steps into the circle, holding his hands above us. I study Ethan’s handsome face one more time and then let my eyes fall shut.

“Through sands of time and threads of space, I send you now out of this place,” Devin chants. “Per arenas tempus et, mi vitae purus. nunc ad te mitto ex hoc loco.” I grip Ethan’s hands tighter as smoke wafts around me and the weirdest sensation takes over. My body isn’t moving, yet I’m hurt ling through the dark at a dizzying rate, spinning faster and faster until my ears ring and my vision blurs.

Suddenly, I hit the ground with a thud, rolling across dry grass. I lay still on the ground, waiting for the spinning to stop. Blinking open my eyes, I slowly get up and look around.

I’m standing in the middle of a field, and everything is gray. Thick clouds roll across the sky, and what little sunlight streams down is blood red in color. Patting my pocket, I make sure the paper with the spell is still there and then take a few tentative steps forward.

This realm is flat, and a dry wind blows dust in my face. I shield my eyes and turn my back to the wind to see a dead tree in the distance.

“Per arenas tempus et, mi vitae purus. nunc ad te mitto ex hoc loco.”

Devin’s voice is like a distant echo in my head and I hold out my hands. When I think about Ethan, I can feel his skin against mine, being my anchor. I spin around again, not sure what I’m looking for. The field seems to go on forever in each direction, melding into the gray sky.

It’s so quiet here and the wind blows again but hardly makes a sound.

Maybe I will get in, say the spell, and get out.

I take a few more steps, better able to visualize the dimension if I think I’m in the middle. This place isn’t endless, after all. Pacing toward the dead tree, I stop and look around again. A sense of urgency takes over and I pull the spell from my pocket.

“Spiritus,” I start and my voice echoes all around, reverberating off invisible walls. It startles me and I gasp. Suddenly, a black shape appears from the ground, rising into the air like a dark cloud. Oh, fuck.

It’s the wraith.



I look back at the spell, taking several quick steps back. Fear starts to rise in my stomach and my heart rate quickens. Sucking in a breath and forcing myself to hold it, I flick my gaze back to the paper.

“Spiritus lucis, spiritus at—”

Kornath raises into the air, letting out a harrowing yell.

“Spiritus lucis, spiritus aterni,” I keep reading and he rushes at me. Throwing out my free hand, I summon a ball of fire and am about to throw it when it hits me that I have no idea what would happen if this place goes up in flames.

Kornath suddenly moves back, red eyes glowing against the gray landscape. He falls to the ground, looking like someone dropped a billowing sheet to the ground. There is no movement at all. My breath leaves me and I take a step back, closing my fist and putting out the flames.

“Hello Anora.”

I whirl around and see a woman in a long black dress standing behind me. She’s wearing a crown adorned with red jewels that match her eyes.

“Kornath,” I breathe.

“This is my true form. Do you know how you become a wraith, Anora?” Her voice is melodic and almost beautiful. But I know better. She moves forward, gliding across the dead grass.

“I don’t,” I answer honestly.

“First, you sell your soul. And then the rest of you just goes away with it.” She tips her head. “It’s quite freeing.” She inhales, and the red light fades in her eyes, leaving her looking very human. “There are so many things you are afraid of.” Lifting a hand, she twists it in the air and it’s like a knife to my heart, feeling the absolute pain and devastation I felt after Leslie died. Death will happen again, and it’s going to be my fault.

Holding my own hands out in front of me, I think about Ethan. He’s sitting right there, holding onto me.

“Stay with me, Anora,” he whispers and rubs his thumb over the back of my hand. I hold onto that feeling, the pressure of his hands, as I fight off the fear.

“You’re strong,” she says, voice hoarse. “Stronger than the others. It’s been a while since I’ve had a companion. You can stay with me and I can teach you how not to be afraid anymore. When you let go of the fear you let go of the pain.”

“You can save your come to the dark side bullshit. I’m not turning evil. Life sucks and sometimes just being alive hurts like hell. But feeling nothing? That would be worse than death.”