We both laugh and I take a small step back. “Well, let me be the one to break us up then. Because my boyfriend wouldn’t take too kindly to know I’ve been two-timing him.”

Devin laughs again. “Right. And I’m sorry to say I’ve had a few girlfriends over the years.”

“It’s all good. Mostly since I don’t remember it.”

“You’re here now,” he starts in question.

“Right. I’m getting bit s and pieces of my memory back, and the High Priestess did say she can help undo the spell. With the way things are coming back to me on their own, it’s better I just let it unfold naturally.”

Devin nods and steps back when the library doors open and shut, letting several students in.

“Well, Anora Benson, my longest standing relationship though you don’t recall any of it, I’d love to take you out to lunch so we can catch up. Who knows, maybe it’ll help jog your memory.”

“Yeah,” I agree, eager to do anything that will help recover what was taken from me. “I’d like that.”

“Should I expect to see you again?”

“I will be around. Are you the librarian?”

“Only occasionally. Mrs. O’hara was the librarian when we were young but she’s not ready to retire yet. I teach seventh years about energy reading.” He tips his head, looking at me. “Which is why I hope you don’t think it’s odd for me to say that your aura is…lacking.”


“It’s as if something has taken energy from you. You’re not associating with vampires, are you?”

“I’ve yet to actually meet one in person.”

“Good. Light two white and one yellow candle tonight.”

“Why yellow?”

“Is it not still your favorite color?”

I smile. “Yeah, it is.”

“Damn,” Ethan says, taking his headphones off when I step into the parlor. “I was hoping you’d come back in a school girl uniform.

Laughing, I join him on the couch, pulling a blanket over my lap. “I’ll see if I can get an official one next time. Or I could order something off Amazon.”

“Don’t tease me, now.” He puts his controller down and runs a hand up my leg. “Did you have a nice time sitting in on classes?”

“I did. Most of what they went over I already knew, but it was really interesting just to watch the kids interact with one another. Oh, and I met someone I used to know.”

“Do you remember them?”

“Kind of. He’s that boy from the picture of me in the dining hall. His name is Devin and guess what? He was my boyfriend. Things were obviously hot and heavy back when I was like, ten,” I try to say seriously but end up laughing. “He’s a professor at the school now.”

“You met an old boyfriend?”

“Don’t tell me you’re jealous. Though, also, don’t tell me you’re not. I like you fighting over me, Ethan Bailey.” I wrap an arm around him and nuzzle my head against his neck.

“I will fight till the death for you, babe. So this old flame—”

“Is he an old flame when I don’t remember any of it?”

Ethan slides his hand up and down my leg. “He must not have been good at anything to stand out.”

“We were like ten. I think the most we would have done is hold hands.”

“Obviously he wasn’t good at that.”

I laugh and snuggle closer to Ethan. “No one is as good of a hand holder as you.”

“I know. I’m a champion hand-holder. And I’m not too shabby at a few other things.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

“But are you good enough to be memorable?” I purse my lips, tossing my head.

Ethan advances, laying me down on the couch and moving between my legs. I hook my arms around him and he kisses me, tongue pushing past my lips. The strangest feeling passes over me, reminding me when I give my energy to a spirit to manifest, but there are no ghosts in this house. At nearly the same time, Hunter shadows through the house, shifting into dog-form by the back door. He barks, and Ethan jerks up.

“Is something out there?” he asks me, knowing Hunter can communicate telepathically with me.

“I…I don’t know.” I scramble up after him, fighting off the sudden depletion of energy. A vision of the gargoyle from my dream the other night flashes before me when I blink. I dreamed about it again last night, but only because I was thinking about it before I nodded off. And last night, the gargoyle didn’t just look like Ethan, but was Ethan. Just with wings.

Ethan’s phone rings and we ignore it, going into the kitchen. Hunter is waiting by the door.

“Anything?” I ask my familiar, and he lets me know there was some sort of shift in the air, sending a flash of negative energy over the house. But whatever it was is gone now, though we both feel like something is watching us.