I’m making sure to put it on my personal credit card just in case Cooper decides to look at our joint account. I’m researching online the best hotels to stay at when a site pops up for the cheapest motels in the area. I go to click out of it, but of course the stupid ad opens up. So freaking annoying.

I hear a commotion outside the office, so I run out to see what’s going on. When I get out there Kayla and Bentley are in the middle of a screaming match.

“I don’t give a shit what you think. I’m moving out and you can do whatever you want,” Kayla screams at the top of her lungs. Cooper looks at me to do something. This might be a gym, but it’s still a place of business.

Bentley looks pissed as hell. His fists are at his sides, knuckles white like he has to hold himself back.

“Okay, I don’t know what is going on here, but you guys need to take this to a private area. This is a place of business.”

They both look over at me. I place my hand on Kayla to silently calm her down, and Bentley shouts, “Fuck this!” as he storms out of the room.

When I look at Kayla, she has tears in her eyes. I brush her hair back out of her eyes and suggest we get out of here. Cooper hears me and nods his head slightly, letting me know he heard me.

We get to one of our favorite coffee shops and order ourselves each a hot peppermint mocha. It’s only a few days until Christmas and then the delicious taste of peppermint will disappear until next year.

Kayla hasn’t said a word since we left and it’s killing me inside. “Kayla, I feel like we’ve grown apart.” She attempts to argue, but I raise my hand for her to let me finish.

“I know this isn’t about us, but at the same time it is because it’s about you, and for the last eighteen years we’ve had each other’s back. So, when you have something going on, so do I.”

She slumps over and puts her hands in her hair and shakes her head. I think she’s going to tell me what’s going on, but when she raises her head, all she says is, “I’ve decided to move back to Florida. I’ve been thinking about it for a little while now, but I’ve decided for sure.”

That takes me for a loop because Kayla knows I can’t move anywhere. Bella and my home is here with Cooper, and if she moves to Florida, we’ll be a long ass plane ride apart.

I choke up and try to hold it in because this isn’t about me. “Are you serious? Like your mind is made up for sure? I mean, your parents and brother are there, but you aren’t really close to them. Bella and I’ll miss you like crazy. We’ve never been apart since the day we met in Kindergarten.”

She sighs and looks absolutely defeated. “Is it something I did, Kay?” I don’t think it is, but I need to make sure.

“No, Liz. It’s nothing you did. I’m just going through some shit and feel like I need a break from it all.”

“So, take a vacation, but please don’t leave me. I need you. You know I’m pregnant. I can’t do this without you.” I know it’s selfish to say this to her, but it’s the truth. I need her so much. I can’t imagine going through this pregnancy without her.

“Liz, we aren’t eighteen anymore, and you won’t be alone this time around. You have Cooper now.”

I don’t even know what to say. “Can you at least wait until after Christmas? I’d like to have one last holiday together.” She nods, and I get up and hug my best friend. I can feel her sobbing and in turn I’m crying. I can’t help but feel like this is the end of our friendship. She wouldn’t do this unless she really felt like she needed to leave, though. All I can do is respect her decision and be there for her.

“Do me a favor, Liz. Please don’t tell anybody yet, including Cooper.” Even though I’m not okay with any of this, I agree.

“C’mon, chick, let’s go pick up Bella and have a girls’ afternoon,” I say as we walk out the door with our arms around each other.



After Bentley walks out of the gym and Liz takes Kayla out to let shit cool down, I take advantage of the fact that Liz’s computer is free. I’ve found Bella’s puppy on a local animal rescue shelter website. The mom is a German Shepherd-Lab mix who was found pregnant under a bridge after giving birth to several puppies. The puppies are now eight weeks and can be adopted out. I put in a request to adopt one and was approved several weeks ago. I’m supposed to be getting an email from the shelter today letting me know when I can pick the puppy up. Since it’s only a week until Christmas, I’m having Kaden keep the pup at his place until Christmas Eve. He’s agreed to bring the little mutt over late at night after Bella and Liz have gone to bed.