I throw the phone on the table and stalk out. I can hear everybody around me shouting my name but I need to be alone. This is what I get for thinking for even a second I could have a career and a family. My dad warned me over and over again. He said I couldn’t have both, but I thought he was wrong. I thought if I just tried harder, gave more, loved them enough, I would be able to prove him wrong. The man might have been a complete asshole, but according to that picture, it seems he knew what he was talking about. I guess the joke’s on me.



Four Hours Ago

“Bella, go help Tristan clean up the toys and games you guys took out and played with, please. We need to go soon.”

I’m sitting in Ashley’s kitchen, having a glass of wine while gossiping over my sex life and her nonexistent one. We spent the afternoon shopping with the kids, and then took them to a cute trunk-or-treat event at the local church. They got a bunch of candy and are currently running around completely hopped up on sugar. I have no idea how I’m going to get Bella to sleep, but I’m glad her mind is off her daddy being gone. It was a rough night last night. After she spoke to Cooper, she threw another one of her tantrums and I ended up letting her sleep with me. I know, shitty parenting move, but I was exhausted and, to be honest, I hated the thought of sleeping in my bed alone.

“You know, my parents are coming over to watch Tristan tonight so a few friends of mine and I can go to Club Surrender. They wouldn’t mind watching Bella as well. They would actually love it because Bella would keep Tristan busy.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I know Bella would be fine here but going out to a club without Cooper feels wrong.”

“Sweetie, you are going out for some drinks and maybe some dancing. That’s it.”

I remember the first and last time I was at a club. It was the night I met Cooper. I fell in love with the music and ambiance. It would be fun to have a drink and let loose a little.

“Okay, I’m in. Drinking and dancing.”

“Yay! Okay, let’s find us something to wear.”

Four hours later and I’m at the club, on my sixth, maybe seventh shot of tequila… I’m not exactly sure, but what I do know is Ashley’s friends are drinkers. It’s a good thing we cabbed it here because I’m definitely not fit to drive anywhere on my own.

I down another shot and it goes down my throat like water. I know I’m definitely drunk when I no longer feel the burn of the alcohol in my throat. I hear Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo come on and Ashley shouts this is her jam, so we make our way to the dance floor. We’re having a blast, grinding up against each other and laughing at some of our drunken moves, when the room begins to spin. I tell myself after this song I’m done for the night. 2 Chainz pops on the surround sound and I can’t help but lower my ass and pop it out to his solo. Dancing can be so freeing. I should ask Cooper to come out with me to the club, again.

Out of nowhere, I feel a strong pair of hands wrap around my waist and it’s like Déjà vu to the night in the club with Cooper. In my drunken state, I tilt my head back, but when I see the horrific look in Ashley’s eyes, I jump forward, realizing it can’t be Cooper because Cooper is in Boulder. Shit.

I make my way back to Ashley, a bit shaken up at the thought of another man’s hands on my body. I know it isn’t his fault. He didn’t do anything inappropriate. I stopped it immediately, but I still feel guilty.

“I’m going to head back to your place,” I tell Ashley when I get over to her.

“No way, I’m ready to go as well. What happened with that guy over there?”

“He came up behind me the same way Cooper did all those years ago at the club when I first met him, and for a second I thought it was Cooper. It wasn’t until I saw your face, I remembered Cooper’s out of the damn state.”

Ashley laughs and says, “Yup! We’re definitely drunk. It is time to go home. Our rugrats will be up before we know it.”

We make it back to Ashley’s place and both pass out in her bed. Tomorrow is going to seriously suck. Hangover plus trick-or-treating equals… I don’t even know what the hell it equals, but it sure as hell can’t be anything good.