After the movie’s over, I give her a bath, read her a story, and put her to bed. Liz still hasn’t come out of her room, so I tell Bella I’m giving her two kisses, one from me and one from her mom. This makes her think. “Wait, if you can give me kisses from Mommy, can you give me kisses from other people?”

You’d think after living with a four-year old the last few months I would see what’s coming, but I don’t, and I fall right into her trap. “I guess.”

“Great! I want a kiss from grandma. Oh, and a kiss from grandpa. Then I want a kiss from Auntie Kay…”

Twenty minutes and fifty kisses later—from everybody my four-year old knows to some people she doesn’t know like Cinderella—and she’s down for the night.

I walk into our dark bedroom to find Liz sound asleep. I want to ask her what’s going on, but I don’t have the heart to wake her up. So instead I strip down to my boxers and wrap my girl up in my arms, praying whatever’s wrong doesn’t involve her leaving me.



How I have managed to avoid the conversation with Cooper the last four days I have no clue. When he said he saw the motel’s webpage and credit card, I thought for sure I was screwed. Luckily, when he mentioned them, it reminded me that I’m hiding my pregnancy from him, which reminded me that Kayla won’t be there for me because she’s moving, and then I remembered I’m not allowed to tell Cooper, and so I lost it. Poor guy had no clue what to do. He definitely handled it like a trooper though, accepting my snot all over his shirt like it wasn’t even a big deal.

I can see it in his face that he wants answers, but dammit, I’ve made it to Christmas Eve, and I’m not going to give in now. After he gave me back my credit card, I was able to book the flights and hotel, and purchase the Disney theme park tickets. I even had matching shirts overnighted that have our names on them: Mommy, Daddy, and Bella, and for the surprise, I had put on mine below my name an arrow pointing down that reads, “Plus baby”.

Everybody came over for Christmas Eve dinner and I have to say it was a bit awkward. I don’t know what has happened between Bentley and Kayla, since neither of them are talking, but man their emotions are flying high. It probably doesn’t help that Bentley brought a guest.

After everyone left, Bella set out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer, along with a note telling Santa to fly safe. Now the three of us are sitting in Bella’s room while Cooper reads The Grinch That Stole Christmas to her. I had asked Cooper about the swing-set she wants and he said he has it covered. I haven’t seen anything in the backyard, but if he says he has it covered, I trust him. When he’s finished reading the book, we both give her kisses and tell her we’ll see her in the morning.

We go downstairs and begin setting out all the presents we’ve kept hidden in the gym. I’m pretty sure there’s double the number of gifts here than I bought. It’s Cooper’s first Christmas with Bella, so I let it go.

I’m kind of shocked about one thing, so I decide to bring it up. “You know, I thought for sure you would have had that puppy under this tree, but I’m pretty sure I don’t hear any barking.”

He just chuckles and shakes his head. What is he up to?



Oh boy, if only this woman knew what I have been up to these last few days. She’s not the only one who can keep secrets. When she decided she wasn’t going to talk to me, I had two options: Freak the fuck out and assume the worst or go all in. I chose the latter. If she has any intention of leaving me, I’m going to make it hard as hell for her. I meant it when I said I’m going to fight for this second chance, and if I go down, at least I’ll go down swinging, knowing I’ve done everything in my power to show her how much I love her. So, this is the part where I should tell you everything but… Nah. You’ll have to wait to find out like the rest of them.



“Mommy! Daddy! Santa came!”

Cooper and I finished putting the presents out at almost two in the morning. Of course, I never learned where the swing-set or puppy is, or if there is even one. Sneaky bastard.

“What time is it? I don’t even think the sun is up.” Cooper moans and places a pillow over his face before throwing it to the side and getting up.