Caleb, who barely ever speaks, cuts in. “He’s just as pussy whipped as you are except he isn’t getting any of Kayla’s pussy.”

“Shut the hell up, man,” Bentley retorts. “She wants me, but she wants it to just be all fucking and I’m not having it. She’s either all in or not at all. She’ll come around, it’s just a matter of time. I told her the next time we fuck, she’s mine.”

Kaden throws his head back with a laugh. “So now you guys aren’t fucking at all. How’s that working out for you?”

Caleb adds, “It sounds like Bentley has the pussy in this relationship.”

We all start laughing and the girls come out. Kayla looks around and asks, “What’s so funny?” We all go quiet and both girls are glaring at us. Hayley says, “Hmm… Sounds like the guys were just caught gossiping like a bunch of chicks.”

She’s definitely not off base with that observation.



It’s Thursday night and it’s been two days without my girls. I’ve been busy with interviews, press conferences, and photo ops. Between my title fight coming up in February, Caleb fighting that night as well, and Bentley fighting in two days, it’s been crazy. People don’t realize how much more goes into being a part of the UFC aside from the fight they see on the television. And now with me being the owner of several of the training facilities, I have even more responsibility.

It’s nine o’clock here in Boulder, so it’s eight o’clock where we live. Knowing Bella will be going to bed soon, I break away from the craziness and call my girls to say good night. Liz’s phone rings but goes to voicemail. I try again and it does it again, so I send her a text asking her to please call me as soon as she can.

I spoke with Liz and Bella a couple times yesterday and was able to say good night to Bella. I would like to say good night to her tonight as well, so I can keep my promise to her. I hate that I’ll be missing Halloween with her, so I take a look at the schedule to see if I can find a way to fly home tomorrow to be there for the trick-or-treating and be back by Saturday morning. It would mean a lot of flying but getting to see my princess in her Elsa costume trick-or-treating would be worth it. I find a large enough gap in my schedule, only having to reschedule one meeting, so I pull up the flights to book one.

A few hours later, there’s still no call back from Liz, and we’re finishing up at the training center. Everybody agrees to grab dinner at a local pub on the way back to the hotel. I’m nursing my second beer when I see Caleb and Bentley looking down at one of their phones, looking nervous. I don’t know why, but I get a bad feeling deep in my gut.

“What the hell are you guys looking at? Don’t be rude. Share.”

This gets Kayla’s attention. “It’s probably one of the whores Bentley brought home. Did she let you take pictures?”

His eyes turn murderous and he growls out, “That was one time! One time, woman! I didn’t even sleep with her! I haven’t brought anyone else home since then, and I said I was sorry a million damn times. I don’t know why you even care because you sure as hell don’t want me. And for your information, the picture we’re looking at is of a woman, of your best friend actually, who appears to be cheating on my best friend. So, before you talk shit, get your facts straight.”

He turns to look at me, realizing he just threw up at the mouth. “I’m sorry, man. It’s probably nothing. Alex is at Club Surrender. He just sent me a picture of Liz and some other guy there… together.”

Kayla and Hayley both yell, “Bullshit,” and stalk over to Bentley, yanking his phone out of his hand. It must not be good because one look at the photo and both women are trying to make excuses. “It has to be a mistake because Liz would never cheat. For God sakes, you are the only guy she’s ever been with.”

Hayley chimes in her opinion. “Yeah, plus, she went five years without getting any. There’s no way she would cheat now, so there has to be a reason for this.”

I get up and slowly take the phone from Kayla. Staring at me is my woman and she’s absolutely stunning in a dark purple strapless dress with black fuck-me heels on. Her hair is down and curly, and I want to touch her through the screen. The issue isn’t her, though. The issue is that with her, is a guy probably in his late twenties, with his arms around my woman, his front to her back, while she throws her head back against him. And it looks like they’re fucking through their clothes.