My heart sinks. “You don’t want to have another baby with me?”

“Of course, I do! I just want you to be sure. With Bella, you didn’t have a choice. You’ve accepted her from day one and you two have an amazing relationship already. I know you’ll be an amazing father to any other babies we have. I just want you to be sure. I actually have to go get my shot this week because I forgot after the whole fire situation. If this is what you really want I can skip the shot, or I can get it and we can think more about it.”

“No, don’t get the shot. Let’s let nature take its course.”

She smiles and turns to straddle my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Okay, baby. We’ll let nature take its course.”

I lift her up by her ass and begin walking her to our bedroom. “I say we go practice baby-making right now.”

“I agree,” she says through her giggles as I slam the door behind us.



It’s Monday morning and everybody leaves tomorrow night to go to Boulder. Well, everybody besides me that is. I’ll be here running the gym even though it pretty much runs itself. I walk into my office and see a huge bouquet of pink roses. The note on the front reads:

Pack an overnight bag and be ready to go at 6 p.m.


Hmm… Well, okay then. The rest of the day I attempt to crunch numbers, pay bills, and print receipts, but I can’t focus because I’m too intrigued about tonight. At one thirty, just as I’m about to give up and head out to get Bella, Kayla comes walking in shaking her head.

“Where do you think you’re going? Home I hope, to get ready for your romantic night with Cooper.”

“How did you know about that? I’m going to get Bella and then going home.”

“Nope, not happening. I already have her stuff Cooper packed and snuck out this morning. She’s coming to my place for a sleepover. I’m getting her from school and you’re going home to get ready. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with an over-exaggerated wink that reminds me of Marilyn Monroe, she exits as quickly as she came in.

Cooper gets home around five o’clock and runs up to jump in the shower while I finish getting ready. When he’s done, we walk outside and waiting for us is a cab.

When I go to ask him a question, he raises two fingers to my mouth to shush me. We get in and he gives the driver an address to go to. When we pull up to a BMW dealership I’m confused. “I know you weren’t big on relationships, but surely you know that a car dealership isn’t considered romantic.”

He laughs and shakes his head, while grabbing my hand, kissing it, and then pulling me along.

The gentleman manning the door asks how he can help us and Cooper tells him he’s picking up a purchase. He gives him his name and the gentleman directs us to the pick-up area. Cooper signs a few papers and then is handed the keys and pointed in the direction we need to go.

When we get to the vehicle, it’s a beautiful midnight blue SUV. I’m not sure why he’s getting another SUV, but it’s his money so who am I to judge. I go to get in the passenger seat, but he cuts me off before I can get in.

“Would you mind driving?”

Okay, I never drive. I mean, I can drive, but Cooper is one of those guys who insists the man drives everywhere.

“Sure,” I say, taking the keys. We get in and I inhale the new car scent.

“Do you like it?” he asks, sounding almost nervous like whether I like it’s important to him. I look around taking the vehicle in. It has pretty grey leather seats and touch screen everything. It has a built-in DVD player and TV in the back seat. It’s a dream car. What’s not to like?

“Yeah, it’s a beautiful car. Are you getting rid of the Rover?”

He bites his bottom lip then pulls it out from between his teeth slowly. I’m kind of worried he’s going to draw blood.

“No… this car is for you.”

“What? For me? Cooper. No, you didn’t.” I should have seen this coming!

Damn, this thoughtful man.

“I did, but hear me out. I have to go away and I get you’re okay with your car, but I’m not. I let it go because I’ve been around and if I’m not, one of the other guys usually are. So, if your piece-of-shit car breaks down we can handle it. However, we’re all leaving and I need to know my girls are safe. It even has roadside assistance so you can get a tow truck or with one press of a button call someone to come fix your flat tire for you. You can even call to get gas delivered in case you run out.”