I’ve done what I can. I was there, taking care of my family. Now that he’s stronger and healthier, he doesn’t need me to be there every day anymore. That means I get to return to my life and New York, and it just so happens you’re at the center of both.”



Three Months Later. . .

I stand back and let them look around, hoping they see the big picture like I do. Sure, it’s just an empty warehouse to some, but the potential is here. I just need them to believe in me.

Jackson makes a loop around the space again and then comes to stand next to me. “The business proposal was intriguing. It would impress any investor.”

“What about you?”

He crosses his arms over his chest and keeps his eyes ahead. I can see how his size and that ticking jawline would be intimidating. To others. Not me. I just think he’s so sexy when he’s walking around in rolled-up shirtsleeves. He’s distracting from the reason we’re here today. “It impresses me. I was running the numbers. If you were to ask me to invest . . .”

I pick some lint off his black shirt. He wiggles like I’m ruining his cover. I laugh but restrain my grin and mimic him instead. Trying to recover and be serious, I say, “I did ask you to invest.”

“I’d want seventy-five percent.”

Lowering my arms, I uncross his as well. “Okay, I don’t want you to invest that badly. Can you simply invest because you love me while letting me retain the majority so I can run the show?”

He starts chuckling, the sound drawing the attention of the other potential investors, basically our friends. “I would have given you that deal before we got out of bed this morning. You brought me here to compete with everyone else. That’s what I’m doing. Making you an offer and negotiating.”

“I thought you were still in a sex haze this morning from the fantastic blow job I gave you. I didn’t know you were being serious.”

“I’m always serious when it comes to money.”

Winter Everest comes over and says, “This is such an exciting proposition. To know we can have professional artists leading kids’ classes . . . if Bennett’s out, I’m in.”

“And if Bennett’s in?”

“We share everything so that means I’m in as well.” She smiles and adds, “You know how that is. It’s going to be a great space in support of the arts.”

More than I’ve announced, but that’s still to come . . .

As soon as she joins her husband and her sister-in-law just out of earshot, I nudge Jackson and say, “Looks like you got some competition,” under my breath.

“I think you’re enjoying this a little too much.”

I finally turn to face him and wrap my arms around his neck. “I am, but I also know this is a good idea on several levels. This room will host world-class exhibits. The two studios will host our artists in residence and the classroom for the kids’ courses . . .” Joy bubbles inside me, and I can hardly contain it. “It’s just a dream come true.”

Jackson’s hand covers my lower back, and he leans down to kiss that special spot behind my ear. I shiver under his touch, always needing him in ways that I imagined being consumed feels like. But now, it’s not just the physical connection that I thrive off of. It’s the emotional we’ve built over the months. It . . . we, grow stronger every day, entangling our lives so much that there’s no me or him. Only us.

When the front door opens, the excitement of the day continues. Grabbing Jackson’s hand, I say, “I can’t wait for you to meet them.”

“Who’s them?”

“Story. Story Salenger-Haywood. She’s an incredible photographer. The hottest thing in photography in the city right now. She’s quite the catch. I was lucky enough to meet her when I was at the other gallery.” We start walking toward them. Quietly, I continue to fill him in, “She and her husband, Cooper, are interested in investing.”

“Is there anyone not investing?”

I glance up at him and start laughing. “Are you feeling the heat, St. James?”

He tugs at his already loosened collar. “Kind of.” I squeeze his hand. “Don’t worry. There’s a twist coming.”

“Hi, I’m so glad you could make it.” I embrace Story like I’m meeting a hero. I am in some ways, but she’s so kind it’s hard to remember that she’s a sensation in the art world.

When we part, she says, “I was telling Cooper that we had to be a part of this. I think what you’re doing is amazing for the community, but also, it’s taking the art world in a new direction that’s usually hidden behind tickets and curators.”

“I haven’t spilled the beans yet.” I give her a wink, an insider’s secret signal. I couldn’t help sharing my vision with her when we met a few months back once I started plotting my career comeback. Brainstorming with her sent me on an all-new track. I can’t wait to share it with everyone, including Jackson.