“Despite your flaws, she’s chosen to love you. Because of that, tell me how I can help.”

“And here I thought you were my best friend.”

“I am, man, but I’m also hers. She looks out for me, and I look out for her. It’s just what we do. I have an idea that will help make this the day she’s dreamed of and get you two hitched. Well, not so much an idea, but the perfect person to make this happen.”

“Marlow,” we say in unison.



“Rad needs your help.” The door closes, and Jackson walks in. His gaze darts from me to Cammie on the couch, and then to Tealey, who’s frozen to the spot in the hall. “Oh, shit.”

A few seconds of silence beat between us as the four of us are caught in a staring standoff. Tealey finally says, “What does Rad need help with?”

“Carburetor. His car . . . buretor.”

“Huh?” I ask, setting my mug on the coffee table when I get up. I walk to greet him, still wondering what he’s talking about. “Why would Rad need my help with his car.” I lift and kiss him. His clothes are cold from the outside, but there’s a slight dampness to the front of his shirt.

The man knows how to wear a suit, but I can’t even resist him in workout clothes, sweaty, and acting shady. I whisper, “What is wrong with you?”

He grabs me and kisses me hard.

“Hi. We’re still here,” Cammie says.

I’m released—boneless and breathless—as he starts down the hall. “Hi, ladies.”

Tealey took my spot, a front row seat to the kissing scene, and says, “What’s gotten into him?”

Licking my lips, I taste the light saltiness lingering on my lips. “I have no idea. I’ll be right back.” They go back to chatting, and I even hear them giggling before I open the door to the bedroom and sneak inside.

The sound of water running leads me to the bathroom. Being murdered in the shower is still a fear of mine after my dad screened a horror movie when I was eight in a brief stage of his life when he was determined to introduce me to the classics.

I’ve not had an apartment with a shower that required a curtain since. I need to see the murderer coming through the glass. Assuming everyone has that same fear, I knock and then enter. “Jackson?”

“Yes?” I peek to see his sculpted physique covered in suds water as it runs over his muscles.

“What was that about?”

He dips his head under the water and rinses before cracking the glass door open. “I can’t tell you until they’re gone. I don’t want to ruin the plan.”

“What plan?”

Tapping my nose, leaving it wet, he says, “I promise to tell you later, but it’s all good news. You don’t have anything to worry about.”

So it involves Rad and Tealey, but that’s as far as I get in my deductions before he closes the door again. I have no patience, especially for good secrets. But this time, I’ll trust him and try not to think about it.

It’s only been an hour, and I can’t stop staring at Tealey. The secret that I’m not even privy to yet is burning a hole in my pocket. Okay, the yoga pants I’m wearing today don’t have pockets. But if they did, they’d be on fire.

Natalie asks, “Has anyone finished seasoning the chicken?”

Cammie, Tealey, and I are lined up on the other side of the peninsula, each with a whole chicken on a roasting rack in front of us. Natalie adds, “We’re all done. This is fun.”

Cammie says, “This is such a great idea. I like to cook, but I wasn’t sure about roasting a whole chicken. Especially if it’s just Cade and me.”

“I’ve tried cooking one before, but it was a guessing game for me and was so dry that it was almost inedible. Rad was a good sport and never complained.”

I’m the last to wash my hands and am still drying them when I add, “Thanks, Natalie, for coming over.” I can’t say cleaning, patting dry, and seasoning a raw chicken has been a great pleasure, but I have enjoyed the bottle of wine she brought. She claims it makes cooking so much better. And I get time with my girlfriends. With so much going on in our lives right now, it’s good to spend time with them again.

She replies, “It’s so much simpler than it seems as well.” Lowering her voice, she asks, “I thought you wanted to surprise Jackson?”

“I did. I thought he’d be hanging out with Rad longer today. There is no keeping a secret in these close quarters.” Secrets. I feel like one’s written all over my face, and I don’t even have one. Well, other than knowing that there is one. I’m never going to make it.