“Rough day?” I ask, pushing the chips closer to her just in case she’s hangry.

“Yes.” She slides into the booth and rests her arms on the table. “Why am I the last to know that you moved in with Jackson? Hello? That’s huge news.”

“You’re not the last. I haven’t told Rad.”

“He knows because of Tealey.”

“Or Cade.”

“He’s the one who told me because Rad told him.” Sitting back, she crosses her arms over her chest. “By the way, Tealey is stuck working. The fundraiser committee called an emergency meeting. The caterer wants oysters, and apparently, they’re out of season in February or something like that.”

“Of course they’re out of season. Oysters spawn in the summer months.”

“How do you know that?”

I shrug. “I’ve been to a lot of parties. I never eat oysters out of season.”

“Good to know.” Her skin takes on a greenish hue, and she looks tired for someone so fired up this evening. Cammie’s usually the level-headed one between Tealey and me, too.

I raise my hand up to flag the server down. I’m thinking she needs a drink to help relax, and more importantly, because I need one under the friendly fire.

Unfortunately, the server is nowhere to be found, so I lower it again.

“As for Jackson and me, I wasn’t hiding it from you. I was literally in my apartment two days ago, and now I’m not. To say it happened fast is an understatement.”

She rests forward again as if the news is too much to sit still. “You claimed you didn’t want anything more with him but sex, Marlow. I’m worried.”

“Are you more worried about him, me, or the group?” I lean forward and lower my voice so only she can hear instead of the eavesdroppers that keep peeking back in the booth behind her. “Because it was a pause regarding the relationship stuff, not an end. And a discussion, not a commitment.”

“This isn’t Friends with one deeming they were on a break and the other free to do as they please. I’m worried if this goes south—”

I push up, my irritation getting the better of me. “You’re worried about the group dynamic and not my happiness?”

“That’s not true. Please stay.” Releasing a breath, she reaches for my hand. “You have every right to put yourself first. I’m not worried about the rest of us. We can handle ourselves.” She squeezes the top of my hand. “I’m worried about you and only you. Not us and not Jackson. You’re going through so much—”

Flopping back down, I’m exhausted from this conversation. “Now you’re scaring me because I know you like Jackson.”

“He’s a good guy, and maybe I’m getting soft, but I kind of like you two together.”

It’s hard to stay mad at her. “This conversation may have started off on the wrong foot, but I know you care about me, Cam. I think this just hit a nerve because we were supposed to be pausing, but now, we’re living together. It’s like zero to eighty in one point five seconds.”

“How does that make you feel?”

I take a chip from the basket and swirl it through the salsa, giving myself a hot second to touch base with my feelings again. “The past two days have been a blur.” When I look up, I shrug. “I’m not upset about how things are working out.”

She smiles. “That’s progress.” Her voice is soft with kindness laced in, and I sense her support may have gotten off track under my defenses. “I always want the best for you, whether that’s with Jackson or not.”

“I know. I just don’t want to make big decisions on that part of my life when my attention needs to be figuring out the rest first. But I’ll tell you,” I say, unable to stop the swoon that overcomes my tone. “Twenty-four hours in and I’m finding myself weak to that man. And I’m not just talking sexually,” I blurt, probably too loud for a restaurant. She’s too busy laughing, so I go on. “Why did it take me all these years to see how incredible he is?”

She takes her napkin out from the silverware on the table. “You two have been oil and water for so long that I almost don’t recognize you when you’re together.”

“Guess we’re turning a corner in our relationship.”

“It will be a lot more peace for you guys and the rest of us if you do.” She fists the napkin in her hand, and her eyes begin to plead before she speaks. “Marlow? I need to tell you something.”

Just when I thought we could enjoy the rest of our time together. “What?” I ask, feeling sick to my stomach.

She takes a shaky breath, and now I’m really worried. “What’s going on, Cam?”

The tears form so fast in her eyes there’s no stopping them from falling. “I’m pregnant.”