It’s so overwhelming that I almost forget part two of the night’s festivities.

“Strong closing.”

Those oceanic eyes captivate me, and I lean into his arms. Kissing the top of my head, he says, “Did you rehearse?”

“I’m asking for millions of dollars. The right answer would be yes.”

“And your answer?”

“No,” I reply shyly, a little embarrassed as well, but juggling part one and part two of tonight’s festivities have taken up a lot of my time.

He pinches my chin between his fingers and tilts me up. “I’m so damn proud of you. You’re forging your own path.”

“I was inspired by a certain tall, dark, and extremely well-built force to be reckoned with.” Looping my arms around him, I say, “I never gave you enough credit for the career you’ve built.”

“That’s because you didn’t know what I did for a living.” He chuckles, swaying me by the hips.

I roll my eyes. “That’s not a lie.” Giggling, I then take a breath, and say, “But I mean it. I think you’re amazing. All you’ve built, you did through hard work and determination. I can only hope our kids get those amazing qualities from you.”

“Are we talking about the giant-head kids?”

Throwing my arms up, I shake my head as I start walking away. “I’m just going by what your family told me, and I’ll admit, it scares me. I like my body.”

My hand is caught, and I’m dipped right into the security of his arms. “Not so fast. I have a check for you.”

“That feels like more than a check, St. James.” I click my tongue and give him a wink.

“You caught me.”

Still balancing precariously in his arms, I ask, “You sure about that? I feel pretty caught up right now.”

“Good. Now that I have you just where I want you. What do you say we tie the knot?”

My heart stops beating, and my breath chokes in my throat. He asks, ““Marlow, are you okay?”

“When you say knot, you mean in the nautical sense, right? We’re sailing? You bought a yacht? We’ll travel the world. We’re twelve knots to the wind? That kind of thing, right?”

“No,” he says, flashing that damn smirk that got me in bed the first time. This time, it just might knock me up. “I’m talking wedding bells, rings, and lots and lots of sex—”

“My parents are here.”

Jackson glances up and then back at me. “Lots of honeymooning.”

“As tempting as that sounds,” I say, starting to feel the blood rushing to my head. “As much as I love this and you for asking me, what about the one-knee thing?”

“I didn’t think you’d be into that. You’re always talking about Tealey being the romantic.”

Wiggling around, he gets the hint and rights me on my feet. “I was never with anyone who gave me those mushy feelings before, but you do, so I like romancing with you.”

The lines on the sides of his face lighten, and he laughs. “I like romancing with you, too. I messed up. Will you give me a second chance to get this right?” Who am I to ever deny him that opportunity?

“You didn’t mess up—” He drops down on one knee. “You mean right now? Okay. Perfect.” When he pulls a box from his pocket, I raise an eyebrow. “I knew there was more than a check in there.”

He chuckles. “Trust me, baby, I’m packing more than a ring box, too.”

I whisper, “My parents are listening.”

“Mine are, too.” I look up and see his parents standing with James, Nick, and Natalie, and wave. I adore them, but this is kind of embarrassing. Maybe I don’t need the big production. I just need Jackson.

But then I worry about Tealey. Barely moving my mouth, I whisper, “We can’t do this right now. It will take away from their moment.”

“Don’t worry. Rad and Tealey are in on the plan.”

My gaze whips to them, and they grin.

Aw. I have the best friends.

When I turn back to Jackson, I didn’t expect to see him getting emotional, but he can’t hide his feelings in his eyes. They give him away. He says, “The first time I saw you, you were the hottest . . . most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. Even now, you steal my breath away. But it wasn’t your looks that made me trip head over feels for you. It was your heart—so open and pure. Brave and kind. You may hide behind your looks sometimes, but you can’t hide who you are on the inside. I’m just the guy lucky enough to stand by your side. And if you agree to be my wife, Marlow Marché, I’ll stand proudly with you for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?”

My tears had already fallen on the floor between us, but I lean and cover him in tears and kisses. “Yes. I’ll marry you, Jackson. I can’t wait to be your wife.”