Yes, I kept a secret, but I wanted to do this all on my own and make him proud of me. Not that he’s not, but this is the biggest dream I’ve gone after.

Story wraps her arm around her husband. “This is Cooper Haywood. Marlow Marché and . . .”

Helping her out, I fill in with the smallest thing he is to me, “This is my boyfriend, Jackson St. James.” What he means to me is more than a word can describe, but we like titles and easy ways to classify for understanding. So boyfriend it is. For now.

Jackson shakes hands with Story while I greet Cooper. The guys shake each other’s hands while I wrap my arm with Story’s and walk her off to the side. I hear Cooper say, “St. James as in Manhattan Financial?”

“Formerly. That was my parents’ company. I work for myself these days. What do you do for a living?”

“Doctor. Pediatrician.”

“Impressive. Do you play basketball?”

“Poorly.” They chuckle, and knowing they’ll be thick as thieves soon enough, we leave them to their own devices. Story helps me retrieve the champagne from the back and asks, “Are you ready?”

I take a deep breath. Jackson’s favorite motivational phrase go get ’em, tiger crosses my mind, and I straighten my shoulders and nod. “More than ready.”

When we return to what will be the main gallery floor, I say, “Thank you all for coming today. I know you’re here to support me with your friendship and your encouragement and, more importantly, your wallet.” That earns me some guffaws. “I’d say, but seriously, but we all know I need your money,” I deadpan, and then laugh, finding Jackson across the room, arms crossed over his chest, proud as a peacock with a smile on his face.

I scan the room and see some of the greatest people in this world, here to show their love and support—Cammie and her adorable baby belly, Cade wrapped around the back of her, and Tealey leaning against Rad’s chest, his arm draped over her shoulders.

Then I take in all the love that being with Jackson has added to my life, not only from him but also his family—Natalie and Nick, Andrew and Juni, Tatum and Harrison. Love is bubbling inside me, and I feel contentment and a sense of security.

It’s not just them, though. Seeing my dad and mom holding hands at the back of the room has me feeling even more emotional. I’ve spent my whole life trying to get their attention or make them proud. If possible, to do both at the same time.

This is the moment I’ve dreamed of for so long, and I’m making them come true. I conquered what I thought I couldn’t and came out on the other side with so much more—fulfillment.

“I knew the moment I had the idea that this is what I’m meant to do with my life. So I brought you together not only as my family and friends and investors, but to share that I’ll be putting my professional hat aside to give rise to a new pursuit. I believe that the arts are what puts humanity in our community. In times of struggle, in times of pain, we don’t reach for a book on statistics. We reach for poetry, music, paintings, photography, and other art forms to comfort us. We reach for each other to see the good. The best of us is found in the words and colors, photos and notes.

“Art shouldn’t only be accessible for the wealthy.” Tilting my head, I shrug. “No judgment. Art also isn’t only for professionals who deem it worthy. Art is for everyone. That’s why I want to create Art for the Community, and I need your donations to make that happen. Yes, donations for this nonprofit.”

My idea is received with silence, and I start to get nervous. Guess I won’t pursue comedy. “You won’t make any money, but you will give a budding artist a chance to follow their passion and a place for this community to seek a reprieve from the heavy in life, just like art’s done for me. So, who’s ready to write a check and make this happen?”

“I am.”

Everyone turns to the back of the room, and I lift on my toes to see my dad holding a check in the air. “Your mom and I think it’s a brilliant idea. And not just because we’re your parents. As your parents, we’re so proud of you.”

“Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Mom.”

Tealey comes forward, wiping her eyes. She knows the road I’ve traveled with them to get to a place of respect and peace in our relationship. “Rad and I would like to invest as well.” Hugging me, she whispers, “I’m so proud of you.”

Everyone lines up to hand me checks and hugs in support. Story is in tears and leaning against Cooper. It’s incredible to have so many amazing friends in my life, all willing to step forward to make dreams come true.