Shuffling is heard, and then Nick says, “Hey, Jackson. Do you remember the last time you spoke with Morgenstern?”

“Yeah, I was at the basketball courts with Rad and Cade a week ago. Before that, briefly on New Year’s. He pulled me into a few meet and greets at his New Year’s Eve party. We talked a little business, but I didn’t violate any laws or ethical standards. I’m not his advisor.” I’m not one to panic, but this lawsuit threatens more than the company. There are allegations about me personally. I’ve worked too hard to build what I have to lose it to lies from an investor who got cold feet.

The sound of a book hits the desk, and then Nick says, “This filing is an inch thick. This isn’t frivolous. This is planned, and from flipping through it, unless they have a team of thirty, there’s no fucking way this was constructed in a week. This isn’t a lawsuit. It’s meant to destroy you.”

Andrew cuts back in, “Our contracts are airtight, but this suit is highly unusual. Nick’s leading the legal team to sort through this this weekend, and we’ll meet on Monday.”

“Is it of concern?” I ask, stopping and staring out the window. The living room has the better view, but no view of this city at night is bad.

He sighs, a mixture of frustration and annoyance built in, and then Andrew says, “No investor likes to lose millions but a company abruptly liquidating all its assets without notifying stakeholders is also as uncommon, and illegal. Their problems are now ours for every investor of ours that bought that stock.”

Nick jumps back into the conversation, “I’d tell you not to worry, but I haven’t had time to read the premise of the lawsuit, much less the role you played in this situation. I talked to your attorney on the ride over to the office. We’ll be working on it together as needed and sharing files that pertain to your case. But Jackson, I need to be clear that Christiansen Wealth Management is my top priority.”

“I understand, and I’d expect no less.”

“Clear your schedule for the next few weeks and try to get some sleep tonight because it’s going to be hell come Monday.”

“Thanks, guys.” I disconnect and cross my arms over my chest, still holding tight to the phone.

I didn’t build an empire, but I have enough money for myself and a future generation to live comfortably for the rest of our lives. I was given a leg up, but I took the money and turned it into fifteen times the value. I fucking did that, so there’s no fucking way Morgenstern is going to take it away. I won’t let him.

I have my own team of lawyers and will fight. I’ll spend every dollar before I pay him for his mistakes.

“Everything all right?”

I turn back to find Marlow just outside the doorway. I plaster on a smile. She has enough going on. She doesn’t need to hear about my problems. “Hey, I didn’t hear you come in.” I cross the room and bring her into my arms in the hallway.

“I wasn’t trying to sneak up on you or anything.” Her arms come around my neck, and her breath warms me. “I called your name, but you were—”

“I was lost in thought.”

Her hands wrap around my head, and she tips her head even more, burying herself in me. “Right.”

Dropping my forehead to her shoulder, we stay tangled in the silence and each other for I don’t know how long. It just feels good to have her home and to be in her arms. She rubs her hands over my head. Pulling back, she asks, “What’s wrong, Jackson?”

“Nothing.” I answer too fast to be believable, so I blink and use a breath to loosen the tension I know she senses. “How’d it go with your mom?”

She steps back and leans against the wall. Searching my face, she finally shakes her head, and then says, “I can’t make you talk to me, but if you do, I’ll listen. I want to be here for you like you have been for me.”

I should be happy to have the offer. She cares and has been doing the best she can to show me. It’s enough to just have her here. She’s enough. “Thank you, but nothing’s wrong.” I reach forward and kiss her forehead. Taking her hand, I lead her into the bedroom, and add, “I want to hear about your night. Are you okay?”

Sitting on the mattress, she starts taking off her shoes. I move into the closet, but hear her say, “We should get a bench for the end of the bed.”

I can’t be upset that she wants to decorate and add a piece of furniture that she sees as beneficial. I feel quite the opposite. Anything that tightens the bond she has to my place and to me is good in my opinion. I strip off my shirt and throw it in the hamper. “That’s a good idea. You can pick out something you like and send me a link. I’ll order it.”