“I want to be the woman on your arm, not for show or as a fill-in date like we’d sometimes do. I want us to be real like when it’s just the two of us.”

“You want to date?”



“Mm-hmm.” She brings my hand to her mouth and kisses my palm like I’ve done to her so many times. “Our friends are in there waiting for us. They’ll have questions and probably tease us relentlessly, but I won’t pretend I don’t care about you on a deeper level than sex. Because I do. I care about you, Jackson. You can be crude and even tell awful jokes sometimes, but you’re thoughtful and kind. You make me feel safe, and you stepped in when you didn’t have to.” She holds a finger to my lips. “I know what you’re going to say, and this isn’t about payback. This is because I want to be your girlfriend.” She looks away, and then her head lowers.

Tucking two fingers under her chin, I lift it until our eyes meet again. “Do you think I could ever say no to you, Marlow?”

“Sometimes, I need you to. I’m just hoping now’s not one of those times.”

I take her in my arms and kiss her. I kiss her so hard that, for a moment, I forget we’re not at home and ready to move this into the bedroom. Leaving her breathless, I lean my forehead against hers, close my eyes, and whisper, “You’ll be the death of me.” I pull back and take her hand proudly and publicly in mine. “Come on. Our friends are waiting.”



Don’t think I didn’t walk like a damn lion, the pride of my tribe, into the restaurant holding hands with my girlfriend. Because I did.

Although Rad is laughing while shaking his head, I overhear Cade grumble, “Oh fuck.” Tealey and Cammie are on my team, sitting there rooting for the hometown hero.

Tealey says, “Hi, guys.”

Marlow glances at me and then replies, “Hi.” Her smile is so wide that I know it’s not embarrassment but happiness.

I pull her chair out and help push it in when she sits. “I see you guys ordered without us.”

Rad sets his drink down. “We had to. Who knows how long you two would stand out there trying to figure your shit out.”

“Don’t mind them. We only ordered drinks,” Cammie says.

I sit down beside Marlow and rest my hand on her leg. Her hand covers mine, and when she looks at me, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this beaming with joy, like she stole the shine right out from under the sun. A damn thief in the night. Makes me wonder what she’ll steal next. I’m not one to get into the mushy stuff, but I might check on my heart later.

The server not only arrives to take our drink order but we also order four appetizers.

Cade finishes his beer and sets it down with a thud, grabbing our attention. “Should we round-robin the news? I have a feeling we have some items to get through on the agenda this evening. Jackson? Marlow? Want to go first?”

I wish our drinks were here first, but I’m not sweating it. It’s the announcement they thought they’d never hear from us, but I won’t hide it. I do double-check with Marlow first, though. A blush has colored her cheeks, and she elbows me. “You tell them.”

“Marlow and I are fucking.”

“Oh, my God, Jackson!” I’m whacked on the back of my shoulder. She drops her head into her hands as those same sweet cheeks flame red. “You’re the worst, you know that?”

“I do.” I take her hand and pull it onto my lap, holding it between mine. “But you just can’t resist me, baby.”

She’s laughing when she says, “I knew making it official would have everything going to your head. Now we’re adding pet names?”

“Well,” I say, cocking my head to the side. “I know how much you love my head. Both—”

“You’re insufferable, St. James.”

“Hello?” Cade says, snapping two fingers. “You do realize we’re here, right?”

I kiss Marlow on the closest hot cheek of hers and then turn to the others. “Marlow and I are dating.”

“Yay!” Tealey cheers and claps excitedly. Cammie joins in, causing patrons from other tables to look over because of the noise. I don’t care. These women are my personal heroes.

Our drinks arrive, and then Cade pipes in first, holding up a pint glass. “Here’s to you two. It’s about fucking time.”

Six glasses swoop above the middle of the round table to clack together before we pull back and drink to us. To top it off, as if it couldn’t get any better, Marlow leans over and says, “Kiss me.”

“I’ll kiss you all right.” I cup her face and lean in and kiss her like I’d kiss when there’s no audience around to witness.