The scrapbooking and journals have helped with that. We have worked on them together over the past few months. We have completed the pregnancy journal except for one last entry. Its late night now, or early morning. They moved us to a private room. It was a long time for Susana. She sleeps soundly in the hospital bed. I sit in the chair next to her. With one arm I cradle our newborn daughter to my chest. The pregnancy journal is open on the table in front of me. With my free hand I write down the time and date of birth for our daughter. I also note her height and weight.

I stop writing and put the pen down. I gaze at her adorable face. I cradle her and rock her softly in the chair. I'm loving this. The sun rises outside. I walk to the window while still holding our baby. I gaze at the cars in the parking lot. The door to the room opens. Aunt Edith and our son enter quietly. They hold balloons and flowers. "Ooh!" Our son gasps when he sees the baby. He eagerly runs over to look. I kneel down and let him see her. Aunt Edith sets the flowers and balloons down.

The soft noise wakes Susana. She opens her eyes and looks around. "Hey!" She says when she sees everyone. "Mommy!" Our son cheers happily as he runs over for a hug. Aunt Edith reaches into her purse. "We need a picture of the new family. " she says fighting back tears. I walk over with the baby. Susana and I pose with the kids. Aunt Edith takes the picture. "We have to add it to the baby book later." I answer. We all take turns cuddling and holding the baby. Aunt Edith leaves to give us space and eat.

I sit in a chair with our son and daughter in our lap. Susana finds a little space in the baby journal. She has been writing for several minutes. "What are you doing?" I ask curiously. "I'm writing a little story about her Birthday." She answers. "Can I hear it?" I ask. "Sure, let me know what you think. Today you were born to loving parents, and a happy big brother. You will be raised in love, and we all will live happily ever after together." Susana reads. She looks up from the book. A tear escapes my eye. "That was perfect. " I respond. "Yes mommy. We are all happy." Our son agrees. We all have big smiles on our faces.

Epilogue - Mikah

It is our wedding day. I stand by the altar in a small chapel. In the pews sits Aunt Edith holding our daughter. Our son sits next to her. Susana's cousins sit with them. A few close work friends of mine are there as well. It is a small ceremony. Only those closest to us were invited. Edith and I smile at each other from across the room. She gives me a small nod of approval. I start to tear up and look away. I feel like that is not only a sign from her, but from Susan's parents as well. I have hope that they are smiling down on us today.

The organ starts to play. We all turn our heads in unison to look. Everyone rises from their seats. The chapel doors open and Susana enters. She's so beautiful she takes my breath away. Her dress is tailor made for her figure. My heart beats wildly as I watch her walk down the aisle. I never thought that this day would arrive. It feels like forever that I have been waiting for this moment. Susana approaches me and the music stops. Everyone takes their seats. We hold hands and recite our vows. I cry a little as I say mine. The priest marries us and we end the ceremony with the sweetest kiss.

Finally, after all this time Susana and I are married. Our son runs up to us and hugs us both. I pick him up and spin him around. He laughs with delight. Aunt Edith approaches with our daughter. She gives us both tearful hugs as well. "I'm so happy for you both. I know your parents would be proud." She cries. We hug altogether as a family. There is so much emotion in the room. The cousins are the last to hug and congratulate us. After the ceremony is over we go back to Aunt Edith's house for the reception. Everything is set up like a party in the backyard. We eat and dance with everyone. Our son runs around happily enjoying the festivities.

After our dance Susana and I sit together. She holds the baby, while I feed her. Aunt Edith gazes adoringly at us and takes pictures. After a few hours she takes the baby from us. "Go and have fun." She says hugging us. It is time for the honeymoon. We hug our son and everyone goodbye. I grab our already packed luggage and take it to the car. After more hugs Susana and I drive to the airport. We board our plane. We relax side by side in first class. "Aren't you going to tell me where we are going?" She asks. "No it's a surprise." I reply. She naps the whole flight.