Slowly and carefully I unzip his pants and pull his massive cock out. I hold it expertly in one hand, stroking it a few times from base to tip. I lean over and open my mouth. I lick his tip, swirling my tongue over it. He trembles and gasps. He feels hard and good as I slide him in and out of my mouth. On my cheek, I can feel the warm stickiness of his pre cum. I grab onto his thighs and force my face down. I take every inch of him into my mouth practically gobbling him up. His breath is strained now, as he fights to hold onto his emotions. He makes loud panting sounds. I slide my mouth up and down, going all the way from to pubic bone. I never thought I could describe anyone as tasting good, but that is how I would describe him and his dick. I love fucking him in anyway possible. He really knows how to bring out the animal in me. He has since our first time together on my couch.

Eventually I go so fast, and hold him in my mouth while his fluids explode in violent bursts. Once he's done I slowly pull away and swallow. He exhales deeply several times. I clean him up and zip him up. I sit next to him. He turns his body sideways to look at me. His gaze is deep and intense. "I need you right now. I want to take you all the way. I'm already hard for you again. I can't wait." He says bluntly. The moment I had been dreading has finally arrived. I wring my hands in anticipation. Now I have to tell him what I have been putting off.

I take a deep breath and stare at him. "There's something I need to tell you. I didn't say anything last night because I didn't want to brush you off and potentially ruin our engagement night. I have to say it now before we go all the way again." I admit. He sits up and looks at me with a concerned gaze. I feel scared and apprehensive, but I need to say this to him. I try to steady my gaze and my nerves as I look back at him. I take another breath and open my mouth to speak. This is going to impact not only us but our son as well. I just hope that it is in a good way.

Chapter 26 - Mikah

We sit together on the bed. Susana looked so fucking sexy while she was sucking my dick. I came so much, then got so hard so fast for her afterwards. All I wanted to do was spread her open and fuck her. I wanted to feel her curves and hold onto them as I pounded her precious pussy. As we sit here though, my mind is completely preoccupied now. I stare at Susana with concern. What could she possibly have to tell me? My mind is suddenly filled with a million different answers. I tune them all out and focus on her. She stares directly at me and takes a small breath. I start to get a little worried. What a way to start our marriage. How long has she been sitting on this…secret? I thought we were done with all of this? Our engagement should have brought us closer together.

"I think I might be pregnant again. I haven't gotten my period." She explains. I'm shocked which quickly changes to overjoyed. I reach over and hug her. "Are you okay with this?" She asks cautiously. "Yes, I'm delighted! I'm going to be a father again and our son is going to have a Sibling." I answer. We pull away from each other and look into each other's eyes. My expression and tone of voice grow somber as I realize she must have known about this for a while. "How long have you known…no wait…why didn't you tell me sooner? Why did you hide this from me?" I ask sounding upset. Susana stares down at the bed as if ashamed. I think I made her more nervous by asking that, but I need to know. You can't keep something like this from a person. I need to remain calm but it is very difficult. This was supposed to be a time for celebrating.

She looks up at me with nervous eyes. "I felt stupid for letting this happen again." She answers. "What?" I ask completely baffled. "Neither one of us was expecting this. I was afraid that it would disrupt our routine. We have finally gotten to a stable place in our relationship. " she explains. I just stare at her in confusion. She takes this as her cue to keep talking. "Before I knew it an hour had passed without me telling you. Then it had grown into days, and well, you know the rest." She explains. Her voice trails off into sadness. She stares at me anxiously.