There is a lengthy silence on the phone. I start to worry that she hung up. "My advice is that you should learn to keep it in your pants and control yourself. We have to think of Susana and what is best for her. Obviously you shouldn't be with her in that way again. We are both smart enough to know that it is not a good situation for her to be in." Edith advises. She's aggravated but not shouting at me about it. "You're right, that is what's best. I'll stay away and I'm sorry to have put you both through this. Thank you for your help." I reply. We both hang up and I put my phone away. I drive away from the curb and head home.

I stare out the window and let out a sigh of resignation. Of course I'm sad about it, but this is the best course of action for us both. I already knew that, I just didn't want to believe it. To be around Susana again would be too much temptation. Neither one of us is strong enough to resist it. We have already proven it. As painful as this decision is, I know it is the right one. Maybe I should have told her goodbye one last time. Although leaving the way that I did will certainly help with this decision. It makes it easier for a clean break from each other. I still can't believe I messed things up between us. How could I have been so weak. Of course I'm going to feel a loss in my life without her. I can learn to deal with it though. If it keeps her safe and gives her a better life then it is worth it. I arrive home and throw myself straight into work to try and forget about her. I need to start continuing my life as if she didn't exist.

Chapter 10 - Mikah

A week has passed since my conversation with Aunt Edith. I have been following her advice and keeping my distance. Without any kind of contact Susana has been on my mind more than ever. No matter what I do I can't get her out of my head. Right now I'm on the golf course with some friends. I'm just trying to live my life and be more sociable. I was hoping activities like this would keep my kind distracted, yeah right. I miss my shot. Behind me my friends laugh it up. "Man, you are really off your game!" They comment. They laugh and continue cracking jokes, as guys often do. I try to tune them out. Honestly, I'm not in the mood for this today.

I don't respond and go to retrieve my ball. My mind has been distracted so much. My friends have definitely noticed and have been teasing me about it all morning. With a heavy sigh I join them and wait for my next turn. "Hey, he's probably got a girl on his mind. That would make any guy lose it." One of my friends jokes. He elbows me in the ribs. I say nothing. "Yeah, maybe he fell for one of his niece's hot friends. Boy, wouldn't that be something!" My other friend jokes. He takes his swing and his ball rolls down the green. It could be considered a nice day, however my heart isn't in anything anymore. I'm just filled with anxiety and sadness. That's my own fault for doing what I did.

Everyone laughs except for me. I try to keep my cool. "I mean he can't get with his niece but at least he can mess around with one of her hot friends." That guy jokes as his shot is over. They all laugh again. My friend elbows me in the ribs again. "Hey, there's nothing saying that we can't take a shot at his niece!" He jokes with a wink. That's the comment that makes me lose it. I throw my golf club on the ground. I turn quickly and punch him in the jaw. He grabs his chin. "Sorry dude, I was only joking!" He apologizes. Quietly he whispers "What the hell man!"

My other friends stare at us quietly. I'm still mad, mostly because they are right. I can't be with Susana in the way that I want. I would love nothing more than to keep my arm around her and my dick inside of her forever. However, I know society won't accept me doing that to my so-called niece. Doesn't matter that we aren't related by blood or marriage. This entire thing is so frustrating! I pick up my club and we continue our game. The atmosphere is quieter now. There is no more joking or teasing. My friends talk about their work and their lives. I stay out of the conversation. I brood on my own situation.