Chapter Two


I watch Tegan in my rearview mirror, until I round the curve and the mountain blocks my view of him. My hands shake as I grip the steering wheel tightly. I blow out a breath and try to get my racing heart and overheated body under control.

What in the hell was that? I’ve never reacted to a man like that before. When he pulled up behind me, I was torn on what I should feel. Relief that help was there, and I wouldn’t have to wait for hours for the roadside service. Or fear because he was a stranger. I should have been scared. I didn’t know this guy at all. Just as he said, he could have been a rapist or killer. A young woman on the side of a road that has little to no traffic is a news report in the making. But it’s not like I had a choice. Luckily, he seemed to be a decent guy, even if he was a little bit cocky. Of course, looking at him, I’m sure he had women falling at his feet at any given moment. Dark blond hair, shorter on the sides and longer on the top, gorgeous blue eyes, and a body any woman would die to touch with even a fingertip. The sunglasses perched on top of his head only added to his appeal.

Even though he was helping me, I was a complete bitch to him, something I’m not normally. I apologized, but by then the damage was done, and he didn’t seem to believe me, or didn’t care. I can’t really blame him. He was, after all, taking time out of his day to change my tire, but damn it, I didn’t have time to fuck around on the side of the road. I needed to get where I was going and watch my back in the process.

After he rightfully snubbed my lame attempt at an apology, I did the only thing I could think of to show him I was grateful for his help. It was a mistake though. As soon as our lips touched, my body lit on fire. The feeling was foreign to me. I’m not new to sex—I’m twenty-six for fuck’s sake—and it’s not like I haven’t had an orgasm before, but I never get off from being with a guy unless I stimulate myself. I don’t know why; maybe it’s because I pick shitty lovers who only have their own pleasure in mind. But with him grinding against me, I was so damn close, and we were only going at it for less than two minutes and all he was doing was grinding his hardness against me and using his hand. I wanted to continue so badly, to finish what we were doing. I wanted that fucking orgasm—I deserved that fucking orgasm—but when that car came around the corner, it reminded me that I didn’t have time for self-gratification. It also brought to light that the situation and what Tegan was making my body feel scared the shit out of me.

I wasn’t lying when I told him I had to go, that I was meeting someone, but it was way more than that. Minnie could wait; she’s used to me being late. No, it wasn’t just meeting her that had me wanting to get the hell out of there. I didn’t know how to handle what my body was feeling. It’s stupid to think that. An orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm, but for my body to respond as quickly as it did left me staggering. That’s why I gave him a fake name. I didn’t want to like what he was doing to me. Stimulation overload, that’s what it was.

As I speed down the road, I remember that I left the flat tire with Tegan. I could use that as an excuse to go back, but then I remember why I was in such a hurry to begin with, and I push down the urge to turn around and finish that thank-you. I have no doubt he was right. I know I’m missing out.

I shake myself from my thoughts of Tegan and concentrate on driving. The last thing I need right now is to get into a wreck because I’m not paying attention. I won’t see him again, so he’s not worth another thought, even if my body disagrees.

I knock on the door and turn to look behind me, making sure he’s not there. It’s crazy to be so paranoid. I’m almost a thousand miles away, and I don’t think he would follow me. Even if he wanted to, he has no means to come this far.

The door opening has me whipping back around, letting out a relieved sigh.

“Damn girl, it’s so good to see you! It’s been so long!” Minnie screeches, then throws her arms around my neck and brings me in for a hug.

She’s squeezing me so tight, my laugh comes out sounding choked. Even so, I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her just as hard. I’ve missed her so much. It’s been two years since she moved from Texas to follow her husband east. I’ve only seen her twice since then. Going from being joined at the hip to rarely seeing her, has been hard. When we were younger, if you saw one of us, then you saw the other two. It was like that from the time we were two years old. Coincidentally, we all share the same birthday; well, not so coincidental for Bryan and me, since we’re twins. We met Minnie on our second birthday when our parents had our parties at the same park. Luckily for us, our parents hit it off just as much as us kids and we all became fast friends.

Minnie pulls back, cups my cheeks, and looks deeply into my eyes. “Are you okay?”

I give her a nod and small smile. “Yes.”

“Did he follow you?” she asks, looking over my shoulder.

I pick up the bag I dropped on the stoop when she tackled me. “No. I don’t think so.”

She pushes the door the rest of the way open, and I follow her inside. She closes and locks it behind us.

“Where’s Logan?” I look around. This is the first time I’ve been to their new place. Logan is the lead guitarist in a band called Deep Rush. Actually, that’s how he and Minnie met. Three years ago, Minnie won two VIP tickets to see them play. The tickets included a backstage pass to meet the band afterward. Although it had been a year, Minnie was still grieving over Bryan’s infidelity and the loss of him, but when she met Logan, sparks flew. That’s the only way to describe the look on Logan’s face when he first saw Minnie. She resisted at first. Logan was supposed to leave in the RV with his bandmates the next day to catch their next tour stop two days later, but he stayed behind to pursue Minnie. It took him every second of those two days to get her phone number. He left, barely making it to the concert in time. They talked every day, until two months later he was able to make a quick one-day trip back to see her. Nine months and several trips from him later, Minnie was packing her shit and moving to Atlanta. Six months after that, they were married and she was going on tour with him. It wasn’t until last year that Logan and the rest of the band decided to cut back on tours and work more on producing albums. Not only to appease Logan and Minnie’s need to settle down and start a family, but also because the rest of the band was ready to settle down in one town as well, after spending the last five years in an RV. They still do tours, but only two a year, and they’re a lot shorter.

“He’s still at the studio. He’ll be home in about an hour. Come on, there’s someone I want you to meet,” Minnie says, and walks to a set of double doors.

When I follow her, my eyes immediately find the bassinet sitting close to one of the windows. Everything else around me disappears as I walk over and peer inside. A big smile breaks across my face when I see the little bundle of pink blankets, with an adorable little face scrunched up in sleep poking out.

“She’s gorgeous, Minnie.” I say softly, reaching out and running the pad of one finger gently over her black hair.

“Thank you,” she replies lovingly. “Would you like to hold her?”

“Are you sure?” I look up to Minnie and see her watching her daughter. “I don’t want to wake her.”

She smiles over at me. “You won’t. She’s only four weeks old. She’s still sleeping most of the day, and she’s a hard sleeper.”

She bends and scoops up Luna. The smile on Minnie’s face as she looks at her makes my heart swell. If there were ever two people I thought would make perfect parents, it’s Minnie and Logan. She hums softly as she carries her over to the couch, patting the cushion beside her once she’s seated.

I take a seat and Minnie carefully puts Luna in my arms. Her fresh powdery scent hits my nose as I bundle her closer to my chest. She’s the most precious little thing I’ve ever seen. I hope to have a baby one day just as beautiful as her.

“Do you think Bryan will follow you?” Minnie asks, and I lift my head.

I think for a minute before answering. “I don’t think so, but he’s so unpredictable nowadays, I’m not sure.”

“You don’t think he’ll hurt you to get them, do you?” Her question comes out as a whisper, like it hurts her to ask it.

Pain lances straight through my chest. “No,” I tell her. It’s a lie. I can’t say whether or not he would hurt me, because I’m not sure of the answer. I won’t tell Minnie that though. She already hurts enough because of Bryan.

Our dad was a big watch collector and they were always supposed to go to Bryan when he died, but when Bryan changed, both my mom and I agreed that he shouldn’t get them yet. Not until he was well again and thinking properly.

Minnie looks contemplative for several seconds, before she nods. Bryan may be my twin, but Minnie knows him just as well as I do. Or at least she used to.

“I still can’t believe he didn’t go to your mom’s funeral.”