Chapter Eleven


I pick up the woman in front of me and squeeze the life out of her. Air whooshes into my ear as she grunts out a breath. I pay it no mind and squeeze her tighter, then twist back and forth, her body dangling from my arms.

“Jesus, Tegan,” she wheezes. “I can’t fucking breathe. Put me down, you brute!”

I drop Abby to her feet, then plant a loud kiss on her cheek before releasing her. She rubs her ribs and shoots me a glare. “Crazy ass.”

I pout playfully. “It’s been sooo long since I’ve seen you. I was a bit excited,” I tell her, and finish with a cheeky grin.

“It was just a couple of weeks ago that we all had lunch,” she grumbles, letting Colt, her man, pull her to his side. She places her hand on his stomach and continues to glare at me.

“That’s way too fucking long. I missed you.”

It’s true. I did miss her and it was only two weeks ago the last time I saw her. But I’m used to seeing her three or four times a week. I’m glad she finally found a man she feels comfortable to be herself around and who accepts her for who she is, but fuck if I don’t miss her. She’s one of my best friends and a part of my family.

I look over and see Willow watching the exchange. There’s a strange expression on her face, like she’s not sure what’s going on. And do I detect a hint of jealousy maybe? Although she has absolutely nothing to worry about, I like the thought of her being jealous. It means she cares.

I snag her around the waist and drag her over to me, bending down to drop a single kiss to her lips. I turn back and face Abby and Colt.

“Willow, these are my friends, Abby and her fiancé, Colt. This hot little chick here is my Willow.” I give her waist a squeeze.

She lets out a strangled laugh and blushes prettily before extending her hand. “Hi. I’ve heard so much about you both.”

Abby rolls her eyes, but then smiles as she takes Willow’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Tegan can be a bit dramatic at times, so there’s no telling if what he says is true or not.”


Willow laughs and elbows me in the ribs. “It was all good.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Willow,” Colt says.

“Come on. I’m starving.”

Grabbing her hand, I pull Willow behind me over to the booth we always use. Nathan and Ava are already there. Since there are six of us now, there isn’t enough room for all of us at the booth, so I slide a small table and a couple chairs over, extending our sitting area and table space. Abby sits beside Nathan in the booth and Colts sits in the chair at the table.

“Out,” I tell Ava, throwing a thumb over my shoulder.

“Excuse me?” Her eyes narrow into slits.

“You’re sitting here.” I point to the table.

She pats the extra space beside her and says, “There’s plenty enough room for someone to sit here and the other person to sit at the table.”

I shake my head. “Not good. Willow and I are sharing the booth.”

“Tegan,” Willow interrupts. “It’s okay. I’ll sit at the table.”

“Nope.” I lean down and run my nose along her cheek until I’m at her ear, where I whisper loudly, but know the others hear me, “What if I want to do dirty things to you under the table? I won’t be able to reach you as easily.”

“Really, Tegan?” Ava asks, her lips twitching.

Several groans and grumbles ensue, while Willow nearly chokes on her spit. Because I’m a great guy, I pat her back, helping her breathe easily again. I ignore the others and smile big, then turn back to Ava.


“Ask nicely, and I might give up my seat,” she taunts.

Being the good sport that I am, and because I really want to share a seat with Willow, I bow at the waist. “Please, O beautiful and mighty Ava, will you please get up so I can share a seat with Willow?” And just because I’m me, I tack on, “Because I want to do naughty things up her skirt and it would be ever so much better to have her in the seat beside me.”

Abby laughs, and I send her a wink. Nathan says, “You’re ridiculous,” and I just shrug at him. Colt mutters under his breath something I can’t understand, making Abby elbow him in the ribs. And Willow stands beside me, speechless. That’s one of the things I like most about my friends, they don’t judge me. They know my vices and accept them.

Rolling her eyes, Ava slowly slides across the seat and slips out of the booth. I ruffle her hair. “Thanks, A.”

Willow sits, and I follow. When I put my hand on her leg, she grabs it, digging her claws in, and lifts it to the tabletop, where she retracts her claws and pats the top.

“I don’t think so,” she says sweetly with a smile.

“Ahh… come on,” I whine. “You’re no fun.”


“Hey, Tegan,” Ava calls. When I look at her, a smirk lifts one corner of her mouth. “You just got rejected, buddy. How does it feel?”

Willow laughs along with the others.