Surprising me, and much to my chagrin, she reaches over and pats my cheek. “No worries. Good luck with the next one.”

I’m just about to apologize when the bell over the door jingles again. The wind has picked up outside, so the door pushes open with the force of it. A quick look out the window shows the skies have darkened even more, indicating the storm is almost here.

The woman I made a fool of myself in front of meets the newcomer, another woman, a few feet away from our table. I recognize her immediately as the woman I helped on the side of the road. Brandy was her name. She’s carrying a baby wrapped in a blanket. The implication of that has my dick shriveling up inside my body. I mauled a woman who has a baby, and from the size of the bundle of blankets, just had a baby.

Fuck my life.

That means she probably has a husband, or at the very least a boyfriend or fiancé. I think of how she threw herself at me, and it pisses me off. How dare she climb me and hump me like a horny dog when she’s already taken, and has a baby, for God’s sake.

Brandy’s talking to the blonde, so she hasn’t noticed me yet. Even through my anger, I still admire her body. She has on another tank top, this one purple, and a jean skirt that goes to midthigh, along with a pair of cowboy boots. She sure doesn’t look like she just had a baby. My dick is obviously not in tune with my head, because it springs to life in my jeans.

I want to bend her over in font of everyone here and fuck her in just her boots, wrapping her long black hair around my fist and holding her still as I do so.

Stupid fucking dick and imagination.

Her eyes leave her friend, and it’s like something pulls them my way. Her brows dip down for a fraction of a second, before her eyes narrow with recognition. I’m still turned in my seat from talking to the blonde, so I slowly adjust my dick in my jeans right in front of her, letting her know what seeing her again has done to my body.

She steps up to the table, adjusting the baby in her arms to a more comfortable position.

“Tegan. What are you doing here, stud?” Brandy asks, her tone accusing. The blonde steps up beside her and starts stroking the hair on the baby’s head.

“I live here. What are you doing here?” I ask my own question. She never told me she was headed to Atlanta. Of course, I never asked her, and I was a complete stranger, so why would she tell me?

I don’t give her time to answer before I ask another question. My eyes drop down to the blanket-wrapped baby. “You have a baby?”

Both Brandy’s and the blonde’s eyes widen, before looking down at the baby. The blonde’s mouth opens, but she closes it quickly. Brandy looks back at me, a smile playing on her lips.

“And if I did?” She quirks a black brow.

“I’d say next time pick someone to grind that pussy on that doesn’t mind knowing you have a man and a baby at home waiting for you.”

Brandy glares at me, while the blonde giggles.

“This is the guy who helped you?” she asks, trying to contain her mirth.

“Yes,” Brandy says through gritted teeth.

“You really do get around, don’t you?” She directs the question at me.

I tip my lips up. “Told you.”

“Here,” Brandy turns to her friend, handing over the baby. “Hold your baby, so I can bitch slap this asshole.”

Now it’s my turn to widen my eyes in shock. Brandy sees my look and seems satisfied with my revelation. Blondie takes the baby, cuddling it to her chest and bending to kiss the top of her head.

“You know what they say when you assume…” She trails off, her eyes dancing with laughter.

Ava laughs. “I like this girl.”

I shoot her a glare. Yes, I made a total ass of myself. That’s the second time it’s happened today. Maybe I just need to go home and go to bed and forget about finding someone for tonight. But then, I think of my bed, and now that I know I got her all wrong, I want her in it with me more than ever.

“Go out with me tonight?” I blurt.

Fuck, I sound like a desperate bastard hard up to get a date. But one look at Brandy’s full, tempting lips, lips I’ve tasted and want more of, her round ass my hands want to squeeze again, and long, thick hair I want traveling down my body, and the number of fucks I have to give dwindles to zero.

What surprises me is when she says, “Okay.” I figured I’d have more of a battle on my hands to get her to agree. I just hope I can get her to do other stuff as well. The thought of shoving my dick inside her while someone watches turns my dick to fucking granite, and I become uncomfortable in my jeans. I stand up, and again not caring who sees, adjust myself.

“Give me your phone.” I hold out my hand.


“Phone number. So you can text me the address to pick you up.”

She shakes her head. “Nah-uh. I’ll meet you there.”

“Baby, where we’re going, not anyone can just go inside. You have to know someone or be personally invited by the owner.”

“Wait, where are you taking her?” Blondie asks.

I look over at her. “What’s your name?”

“Minnie,” she supplies.

“I’m taking her to Blackie’s, Minnie,” I answer her question, and watch as her mouth forms a big O.

“I take it you know the place.” I don’t form it as a question, because it’s obvious she does by her expression.

“Yes.” She sends a quick look to Brandy, then back to me. “My husband and I have been there a few times.”

I’m still holding my hand out, waiting for Brandy to pass me her phone. I lift my brow, waiting to see if she complies. After several seconds, she digs in the back pocket of her skirt and produces the slim device. I type in my name and phone number, then send myself a quick message so I have hers as well, before handing it back to her.

“What is this Blackie’s?” Brandy asks, looking from me to Minnie, then back to me.

I tip my lips up. “A nightclub. There’s really no way to explain it until you see it.”

She turns to her friend. “Should I be worried?”