“Damn,” he grunts. “It’s sexy as fuck feeling my cock slide in and out of you.”

“Tegan,” I moan breathlessly.

He removes his finger and moves it back to my ass. He swirls it around, then pushes gently against the tight bundle of nerves there. His wet finger is met with resistance, but then slips inside. There’s a pinch of pain, but I welcome it. It feels too good not to.

I grip his shoulders and tip my head back, holding on to him as he manipulates my body. The pleasure from his deep thrust inside my pussy and the finger he’s steadily pumping in my ass becomes too much. My body tightens around him as shockwaves of pleasure wash through me. It starts in my toes and fingers and travels up my legs and arms to my center, where it explodes in a blinding white light. My eyes close, and I cry out at the intense feeling.

Tegan shoves his face in my neck and mumbles something incoherent. His hips continue to rock forward, and each powerful thrust slides me up and down the wall. His grunt rumbles against my throat and he stiffens, holding himself against me as he grinds his hips into mine.

I lift my head and rest it against the side of his. Hot breath fans against my neck as he tries to catch his breath. My own chest heaves as I pull in large lungfuls of air.

I whimper when his finger leaves my ass.

He chuckles against my neck. “I’m taking that ass next time.”

“Mmm” is all I can say. The thought’s crossed my mind a few times in the past, but I never really thought I would be brave enough to do it. But I’m finding out, with Tegan, my brave meter is very high.

“Come on, baby. Let’s get you cleaned up and in bed.”

He carries me back into the spray of the water and gently lifts me from his still hard cock. I look down at it, then back up at him with a lifted brow.

“He’s a greedy bastard,” he says with a wink.

I laugh, and he bends to place a light kiss against my lips. He reaches to the left, grabs my shampoo, then twirls his finger in a circle. “Turn.” I do as he says, and seconds later, feel his fingers knead through my hair as he lathers the thick strands. It feels incredible. Next comes the conditioner, then he snags my loofah, squirts body wash on it, and proceeds to wash my body.

By the time he’s done, I’m so relaxed, I’m barely standing on my feet. Tegan notices, and the amazing man he is, quickly washes himself, then turns off the water. I step out of the tub and reach for the towel, but he snatches it from the towel rack before I can.

“I’ve got you,” he murmurs, patting my body down until I’m dry. Then, as most men do, he half dries himself, before lifting me in his arms and carrying me out to the bedroom.

The covers are already pulled back, so he sets me down, and I scoot over to give him room. The sheets are cool, and I shiver. He lies down. “Come here.” He opens his arms, and I immediately go into them. I lay my head on his shoulder, and he pulls the covers over us, then his arms wrap around me. I instantly feel warmer.

“Sleep, baby,” he rumbles in my hair. He reaches over and flicks off the lamp, shrouding us in darkness.

“Thank you, Tegan,” I tell him quietly. “Thank you for being there for me and understanding, and thank you for helping Bryan.”

“Anything for you.”

I snuggle closer to him and place my hand over his heart, feeling the steady beat. I lift my head long enough to kiss the side of his neck.

“I love you,” I say sleepily, and relish the feeling of his arms tightening around me when I say the words.

“Love you, too, Willow.”

That’s the last thing I hear before I drift off to sleep with a happy smile on my face.