Chapter Seventeen


Logan pauses the World Cup soccer game we were watching and stands from the couch. Grabbing his empty beer bottle off the table, he throws over his shoulder as he heads to the door, “I’m going to go check on the girls and grab another beer. You want?”

“I’m good,” I answer, holding up my still half-full bottle in my hand.

When we first got here and Willow all but pushed Logan out of the way to get to Minnie, he led me into the living room, where he told me in more detail what happened. According to Minnie, she had just laid Luna down in her bassinet when she heard a noise come from the kitchen. Thinking the soup she had cooking on the stove had boiled over, she went to go check on it. When she made it to the kitchen door, Bryan was just opening it. The shock of someone actually being home had him lashing out. He clipped her in the shoulder and she fell backward, hitting her head on the corner of the doorframe. It wasn’t enough to knock her out, but enough to stun her. Minnie thinks that once he realized what he had done, he panicked and left. Disoriented, Minnie made it to the living room where her phone was and called Logan. Luckily, he was only five minutes out from the house. He called the cops when he got home, and they filed a report. There’s now an APB out for Bryan.

I felt the pain and anger radiating off Logan when he recalled what happened. I want to hunt down the bastard myself and plant my fist through his face. Not only because he hurt Willow and almost let her get raped, but also because he hurt someone close to Willow, which hurt her even more. The asshole needs to be taught a lesson. One he’ll never forget.

Logan isn’t gone but for a minute before he’s storming back in the room. He heads straight for the windows, where he pulls the curtains closed. Next, he walks over to Luna and peeks in to check on her.

“What’s going on?”

I tense when he looks at me. His features are hard as granite, and I know something’s wrong. He does something to the underside of the bassinet, then picks up the bed portion, carrying it over to a table in the corner.

“The back door in the kitchen was open.” He leans in, kisses Luna’s forehead, then sets the bed down and pushes it under the table. He looks at me, and even from across the room I can see the pupils in his eyes eating up the color. “There’s no reason for that door to be open,” he growls in a low voice.

I’m already halfway across the room by the time he’s done talking. He meets me at the door.

“I’m going up to check on Minnie and Willow. You go check out the situation in the kitchen.”

I don’t acknowledge him with a response, I just head that way. I hear the soft snick of the lock on the living room door behind me. Logan’s smart. There’s no fucking way he’ll let Bryan, and we both know that’s who we’re dealing with, touch his family.

My hands ball into fists as I stalk to the kitchen door. Pure rage floods through me. This bastard has the balls to come back here after what he did. But then again, he must have a fucking humongous pair to still fuck with Willow as well. Of course, he doesn’t realize the wrath he’s bringing on himself. He doesn’t know me. I may be a fun-loving guy most of the time, but if you fuck with someone I care about, you better fucking hope I don’t get a hold of you.

I stand at the door for several seconds, just listening. When I don’t hear anything, I slowly open it. I don’t want the fucker running off this time. This shit needs to be taken care of.

There’s no sound or movement in the kitchen. My eyes lock on the door that’s open a couple of feet. I keep my gaze trained there, but my senses are centered on my surroundings. When I walk out back, I once again encounter nothing. I look left, then right, taking in all four corners of the backyard. There’s a tall privacy fence on all three sides, and a red shed off to the left.

I’ve taken a couple of steps toward the shed, when I hear something. I stop and cock my head to the side, listening closely. It sounds like sniffling, then a few quiet murmurs. Keeping my steps light as I can, I rush over to the shed.

What I encounter when I round the corner has me seeing red, my blood pumping furiously in my veins, my temple throbbing double time, and my hands balling into fist, ready to do major damage.

There, sitting on her ass on the ground is Willow, a weeping fucking Bryan with his arms wrapped around her middle and his head in her lap. I know it’s Bryan from the picture Willow showed me of him one day.

“You fucking son of a bitch,” I growl, rage making my voice sound demonic.

Willow’s head pops up at my words, and seeing her face red and covered in tears spikes my anger even more. I take stock of Bryan, trying to see if there’s a weapon somewhere. Not seeing one, I take a menacing step toward them.

“Get your fucking hands off her.” I break my stare from him and soften my voice. “Willow, come here, baby.”

Her eyes are wide, filled with both pain and fear. I’m not sure where the emotions are directed. Is she fearful because Bryan is here and she’s unsure what he’ll do? If that’s the case, why are her arms around him in a comforting manner? Or could it be that she’s fearful of me? I know my face has to look murderous at the moment.

And the pain…

Is she in pain because of the horrid condition Bryan is in? Or…

I look over what I can see of her body. I don’t find any injuries. I swear to fucking Christ if he’s hurt her in some way…

I take a step closer to her, but stop when she holds up a shaking hand.

“Don’t,” she whispers, the sound coming out jagged. Fresh tears start dripping from her eyes, and it tears me up inside to see her like this, especially for the scumbag in her arms. “Please.” She looks down at Bryan, then back up at me. “He didn’t mean it,” she continues to whisper.

My jaw hurts from clenching it so hard. How in the hell can she be defending this asshole? How can she sit there and comfort him after everything he’s done? I know he’s her brother, but blood or not, there’s some things you just can’t get over.

“Willow.” I try to keep my voice calm, but it’s a feat I’m unable to pull off. I’m so fucking pissed right now. “You’ve seen what’s he’s done. He hurt your friend. He hurt you. He almost let you get raped.”

She flinches. I want to feel bad for what I said, for reminding her how far her brother’s down this black hole of his, a hole he dug himself, but I can’t. Some people can’t be saved.

“What in the hell is he talking about, Lo?” Bryan says hoarsely, finally stirring in her lap. I have to force my legs to hold me in place, when I want nothing more than to yank her away and pounce on him.

I get my first good glimpse of him when he turns his head away from her lap to look up at her. He’s not the same man in the picture Willow showed me. This man is just a shell of his old self. He sits up, then gets to his knees right in front of her. Willow’s hands fall limply to her lap.