Nathan nods, then picks up his beer, finishing it off. I throw him another. Right as he pops it open, there’s a shout from inside.


I’m out of my chair and reaching for the door when it’s thrown open. Willow’s standing there, her eyes wide and frightened.

When I grip her shoulders, she’s trembling.

“What’s wrong?” I look behind her into the living room, searching for I don’t know what. All I see is Ava standing several feet behind her with worried eyes. When I look back at Willow, her eyes are filling with tears.

“M-Minnie,” she stutters, then pulls in a steadying breath. “She’s been hurt. She’s in the hospital.”

When she starts panting heavily, I push her inside and lead her to the couch. I sit and pull her down on my lap. Her eyes still seem to have a wildness about them. I push her hair out of her face.

“Take a deep breath for me, baby.”

A glass of water appears in front of us. I thank Ava and take it from her. Willow grabs it from me and gulps down several mouthfuls.

“Better?” I ask.

She nods and hands the glass back to me. Ava takes it and sets it on the end table.

“Now, tell me what happened.” I keep my tone soft.

She looks at Ava, then at Nathan, before bringing her eyes back to me.

“Bryan.” Her voice wobbles. The name sends my blood pressure through the roof. I have to work at keeping calm. “He came back. Minnie heard a noise in the kitchen and went to go look. Bryan was in the house. When he saw her, he pushed her and she fell and hit her head. He left after that.”

I pull her to me and look up at Nathan. He knows exactly what my hard eyes are telling him, and he nods. It’s obvious her brother hasn’t given up his suicidal mission to retrieve those watches. My decision to put a tail put on her is made. No way am I letting her go anywhere without eyes on her. It’s clear her brother is desperate and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. I’m not willing to find out if that extends to hurting his sister.

“Is Logan with her? And where’s Luna? Is she okay?”

She nods, then sniffs. I’m proud when she pulls herself together and straightens in my lap.

“Yeah. He was already on his way home when she called him. It’s nothing serious, but the EMT advised her to get checked out anyway. She’s got a big bump on her head, but no concussion.” She looks off into the distance and says quietly, “I can’t believe he hurt her, Tegan.” She looks back at me and the heartache in her eyes makes my chest constrict. “He truly loved her. What they had was special.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” I pull her head to me and kiss her forehead. “Are they still at the hospital?”

“Yeah, but Logan said they were leaving soon.”

“Would you like to go over and see Minnie?”

Her smile is filled with relief and it lifts some of the weight off my chest.

“Are you sure? Ava and I were in the middle of cooking dinner.”

“You two go ahead,” Ava inputs. “Nathan and I can finish up here. I’ll put everything in containers and you can have it when you get back.”

“Go check on your friend,” Nathan agrees.

“Thank you.”

“That’s what friends are for. And you’re my new best friend, remember?” Ava winks at her, making Willow laugh.

I silently thank Ava with my eyes for helping ease the sad look from my girl’s face.

“Come on. Let’s grab your shoes.”

I get up and set her on her feet. She rolls to her tiptoes and places a soft kiss on my lips. My hands tighten on her hips, because anytime her lips come in contact with mine, I want to ravage her.

Reluctantly, I let her go when she pulls back and goes to grab her shoes. I turn to Nathan as soon as she’s out of earshot.

“Set it up. She’s never to be without eyes, you hear me?” My voice is hard.

“You got it. She’ll have someone on her starting tomorrow.”

“Thank you for taking care of things here,” I tell Ava.

“I don’t know much about what’s going on, but to pay me back, punch that bastard good and hard for me when you can.”

I nod. “With pleasure.”

Minutes later, we’re in the truck headed over to Minnie and Logan’s house. Willow’s hands are clenched tightly in her lap, so I reach over and pry them apart.

“Hey,” I call. Her lip is between her teeth when she looks at me. “It’s going to be okay. We’ll stop him before he hurts anyone else.”

“That’s not what has me worried. I know we’ll stop him,” she reveals.

I pull to a stop at a red light and tug her arm until she meets me halfway over the console. My lips meet hers for a brief minute.

“What is it, then?”

“I heard you talking to Nathan when I walked away to grab my shoes. What do you mean I’m never to be without eyes?” Her eyes narrow, so I know she already knows, but wants me to confirm it.
