It may make me a bad person in some people’s eyes, and God forgive me, but I can’t help but agree with him. The least she could do for putting Tegan through what she did is suffer along with him.

“Do you know what Bruce was in prison for?” Tegan asks next.

Ben looks off to the side and takes a long swallow of his beer. His voice is raw when he answers. “The rape and murder of a teenage girl.”

“Fuck,” Tegan says, grabbing his own beer and polishing it off.

“Enough of this,” Samantha says, getting up from the table. “You men go to the living room and watch whatever sports will take your mind off this. Willow, could you help me with the dishes and leftovers?”

“Of course.”

I get up from my seat, relieved Samantha put a stop to the conversation. When I walk by Tegan, he grabs my hand and pulls me down so I’m face-to-face with him. He plants a soft lingering kiss to my lips, then releases me. I smile at him, and he returns it, but I know it’s fake. I can see the haunting pain in his eyes, and my heart breaks for him. To learn his mother suffered like he did as a child can’t be easy. I’m sure his emotions are running rampant right now, and I just wish I knew what to do to help him.