“It’s gonna feel damn good later when I have my cock—” I don’t get a chance to finish before Willow pinches my thigh.

“Fuck, woman!” I rub at the sore muscle. “That hurt! You’re mean.”

“How do you feel now?”

“A hell of a lot worse than I’m going to feel later.” I just can’t help myself. I laugh at her glare.

“Maybe you should stop now, before you feel your own hand around your cock later and not mine.”

“Burn!” Ava shouts, pointing her finger at me.

“You wouldn’t,” I accuse.

“Try me.”

“Okay. Wait a minute,” Abby butts in. She turns to Ava. “Ava, babe, no offense, but Willow here is my new best friend.”

Ava laughs. “Fuck you. She’s my new best friend.”

“That’s okay. I can have two new best friends,” Willow puts in, amused.

“Looks like you finally found someone to rein you in,” Nathan inserts. “I’m sorry, Willow.”

She smiles. “Oh, I think I can handle him.”

“Screw you all. I’m hungry. Let’s order food.”

They all laugh at me, and I secretly laugh with them. I’m glad Willow fits in with my friends. They are a big part of my life. There’s no way I could be with someone who doesn’t get along with them.

Nathan waves over the waitress, a lady by the name of Beatrice. She’s worked at Suzie’s for as long as we’ve been coming here. She’s an older lady with gray hair she wears in a bun at the back of her head and she’s as sweet as pie. Speaking of pie…

“Hey Bea, you got any of that homemade pie?” I ask.

“I do.” She beams a smile at me. Beatrice is the shit. “But you need to eat something more substantial before I bring you a slice. You want your usual?”

“Yes, ma’am. But you promise to not give my slice away, right?” Suzie’s homemade pies are to die for, and you’re lucky if you get any. I’ll damn near kill anyone who tries to take my portion.

Her smile is kind. “Nope. I’ll dish it up and set it in the fridge for you for later.”

We all order our usual. Since this is Willow’s first time here, I help her out and tell her all the best items on the menu. She ends up ordering the same thing as me.

“So, what’s new with you lately, Abby?” Ava asks, after Beatrice walks away.

“Not a lot. Colt and I have been watching Lizzy lately. Colt’s mom hasn’t been feeling well, so we’ve taken over until she does. That’s why I haven’t been around much.”

“I hope it’s nothing serious,” Ava remarks.

“Just her old age catching up with her,” Colt says. “She doesn’t like to admit it, but she can’t do as much as she used to. She needs to learn to slow down.”

“She’ll figure it out.” Abby looks over at Ava with a smile.

“I’m never getting old,” I tell the group.

“Oh yeah?” Nathan says, looking amused.


“And how are you going to prevent that? You plan on dying in the next ten years?”

I shake my head. “Nope. I’m going to find a brain surgeon and have him put my brain in a younger body once I reach forty. I’ll have him do this over and over again.”

“You’re an idiot,” Ava says, laughing at me.

“Hey, that’s offensive.”

“No, what’s offensive is your idiot brain.  The brain is a functioning part of your body. It’s going to get old as well and eventually cease to function just as much as a body will.”

“Duh.” I roll my eyes dramatically. “By the time that happens they’ll be able to make artificial brains. They’ll just take all my memories and transfer them into an artificial one. It’ll be a miracle. I’ll live forever.”

Everyone laughs, giving me exactly what I want.

“And how do you plan on paying for this?” Colt inquires, playing along. “It’s gonna be expensive.”

“You’re going to pay for it. You’re rich, so you can afford it.”

He lifts a brow. “I am?”


“No is more like it.”

I sigh. “Fine. The money from the lottery I’m going to win will pay for it.”

“Do you even play the lottery?” It’s Willow’s turn to ask.

I scratch my chin thoughtfully. “Good point. Guess I’m getting old after all.” I throw my arm over the back of the chair and bend down to her ear. “You gonna get old with me?”

I pull back and look into her eyes. She’s looks surprised by my question, and I don’t blame her. I’ve shocked myself. But my shock comes from hoping like hell her answer is yes. It’s hard to believe that I’ve only known her a few weeks. It feels more like years, and I only want to know her even longer. I never want to not know her. She’s special and I want her to know it.