There was a rustling of the phone, and then her mom’s voice was there, so close to the speaker it was slightly distorted. “Hi. How was the trip?”

“It was good.” Laura was smiling. “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good. Exhausted.” She sounded like she could sleep for a month and still want to take another nap. “They’ve got some good drugs here. Can’t feel a thing.”

“That’s good.” The sisters had stayed through the surgery and got to say hi to her afterwards. Then they went home with their father, had a good dinner, and went to sleep. They were on the road by the time the sun had crested the horizon. “I’m sure you’ll feel pretty good for a while.”

“Yeah. How was the trip?”

Cassie giggled. “It was good. Thanks for asking again.”

Laura laughed. “Hey, I gotta catch my plane. Don’t get into any trouble while I’m in the air, okay?”

“No promises.”

There was more rustling, and Walter took the phone back. “Be careful, okay? Call us when you land.”

“I will. Love you guys.”

“Love you, too. Both of you. Stay safe.”

The girls answered in unison. “Bye!”

Laura tucked her phone away. “I do have to get going, though.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you to the drop off area?”

“No, no. I need the walk to dry the tears.” Her voice caught. “I’m really glad I came, Cassie.”

“Me too.” Cassie felt tears pricking her eyes. “Thank you for everything. Maybe I can visit you soon?”

“Yes, you have to. As soon as you get some more vacation time, okay?”

“Okay.” Cassie leaned forward and wrapped her sister in a tight hug. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She cleared her throat. “Is he still here?”

Cassie looked in the backseat. Sebastian was sitting there, tucked between suitcases, waiting patiently. “Yeah. He’s still here.”

Laura turned to the backseat. She blushed. “Thank you, Sebastian. For your help. For Sarah. And for Cassie.” She turned back to her sister. “Do you think he understood?”

Sebastian was looking directly at Laura. He didn’t smile, but his glow seemed a little brighter.

“Yeah, I think he understood.”

“Good.” She unbuckled her seatbelt and popped open her door, but she didn’t get out yet. “You think you’re ready to talk to her?”

Cassie took a deep breath. Yesterday, Agent Viotto had texted her a name. Sherry Miller. As in, Ethan Miller’s mother. After the death of her son, she couldn’t hold down a job. She had no other kids, but she used to hang around schools and parks, watching them. The community knew who she was, what had happened to her, but police got complaints, regardless. Her record showed she was in and out of mental hospitals from that point on.

Cassie understood why. She’d lost her child. Her world. She was never the same again.

Viotto had given her Sherry’s last-known address: Orchard Hills in Savannah, Georgia. It was a long-term mental care facility. He couldn’t promise what kind of mental state she was in, but it didn’t matter. Cassie would pay her a visit.

“Not really.” She didn’t think she’d ever be ready to talk to her, but she didn’t have many other options at this point. “I hope she can point me in the right direction.”

“Call me tonight, okay? I should be settled in by then.”

“Text me when you land.”