“That’s your job, not mine. But I have a name that will be of particular interest to you.”

“We’re listening.”

“My buddy let it slip that he’d done a job for this particular individual. I didn’t believe him at first. Didn’t think Apex was that bold. But now I know better.”

“Are you gonna make us guess?” Mannis sounded tired. “Because we might be here for a while.”

Davenport let the silence hang in the air for a moment. “Ashcroft. Stanley Ashcroft.”

Cassie didn’t know the name, but Mannis and Viotto exchanged a look. “Who’s that?” she asked.

Davenport was first to answer. “The Director of the FBI.”

“What makes you think we’d believe this?” Viotto asked. “How do we know you’re not here on Apex’s orders, trying to get us to chase our tails?”

Davenport threw his head back and laughed. “Now you’re thinking like Apex. Now you’re getting it. I can’t prove that he was there or how much he’s involved, but a machine this large isn’t idiot-proof. Rome got too big for its britches, and so will Apex. Someone just needs to be brave enough to catch them unawares. Then they’ll fall to pieces.”


Cassie was still trying to process what Davenport said and what it all meant when Mannis cuffed him and put him in the backseat of his car. Cassie and the two agents stepped under the shade of a tree far enough away that the detective wouldn’t be able to hear them, but close enough so they could keep an eye on him.

Mannis put his hands on his hips and stared into the backseat of his car like he could will himself to turn into a telepath. “I’m not sure if I believe Davenport, but given how far Apex has reached, it wouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.”

“I get Apex wanting to have influence over the FBI,” Cassie said, “but why would someone like the Director need them on his side?”

“Lots of reasons. Political motivation. Connections. Advice on how to deal with the public. Greed.” He shook his head. “Ashcroft is good at his job. Very effective. But he’s only human. We all are. We have faults like anyone else.”

Viotto stared at his partner, looking like he was choosing his words carefully. “You seem to know a lot about Apex.”

Mannis smirked. “Not the first time I’ve heard of them.”

Cassie pointed to Viotto. “You warned him about them before he went digging. I think you know a lot more than you’re letting on.”

“I’ve been aware of Apex for about a decade.” When Viotto’s eyes grew wide, Mannis held up a hand. “I don’t think the company started out with any ill-intent. The people involved at the top of the organization were already experts in their fields. They gained traction quickly, found some good clientele, and it took off.”

“It happens all the time,” Cassie said, “but not all of them turn into…this.”

“You’re right. I don’t know when or why Apex crossed that line, but they did. I imagine the more they got away with, the more they took risks. It’s not like this is the first time something like this happened. As long as there are laws, there are those willing to break them. And those who get away with it. Apex is just the next generation of criminal.”

“So, what are you going to do about it?” Cassie asked.

Mannis chuckled. “Nothing.”

Viotto looked affronted. “How can you say that? What about Davenport’s confession?”

Mannis shook his head. “This is not the kind of situation you want to jump into without the full picture.”

“You said you’ve known about them for at least a decade. You don’t have a full picture yet?”

“That should tell you everything you need to know about them.” Mannis took a step toward Viotto, lowered his voice. “Don’t be stupid, Chris. These guys are a lot smarter than you and have a lot more resources. If they have the Director of the FBI in their pocket, you think you can take them down by yourself? Just by taking Davenport’s confession, we’re gonna be in hot water. The smartest thing we can do is gather evidence, do our job, and if they tell us to walk away, we walk away.”

“How can you say that?” Viotto looked more hurt than angry. “They’re willing to pull strings in Washington. They’re willing to get away with murder. I doubt Connor Grayson is the only person they’ve had killed.”

“You’re right.” Mannis put a hand on Viotto’s shoulder. “I’m not saying give up on it, but if we’re not smart about how we tackle this, about who we can trust, then we’re all screwed. They’ll either put you in the basement for the rest of your career, or you’ll wind up like Connor.”

The blood drained from Cassie’s face. “Am I in danger?”

Mannis’ smile didn’t offer the reassurance she was looking for. “Yes, and no. You’re definitely on their radar now.” He looked to Viotto. “And so are you. Your name is being added to some list on someone’s desk as we speak. You gotta keep your head down and be smart.”