Viotto unbuckled his seatbelt, pushed the door open as quietly as he could, and stayed low as he crept along the car and over to Davenport. By that point, Cassie could see they both had their guns out. After a few words passed between them, Viotto led the way up the steps, onto the porch, and through the door.

Cassie wasn’t sure what to do. Last time she was in a position like this, she had ignored Harris’ warning to stay in the car and ended up in the middle of a shootout. Thankfully, this time there were two people on her side.

But what did this mean for their wit

ness? Who were they and why did they have something on Grayson? She didn’t think the senator had killed his own child, but she knew Apex would stop at nothing to paint the narrative they wanted everyone to believe.

Maybe this was part of their plan.

Two minutes passed. She considered pulling out her phone and calling the police. She didn’t want to spook the witness if the person was inside, but it would be better to do that than be the reason they ended up dead.

Before Cassie could even bring up the dial pad, however, a figure stepped out through the doorway. It took her a moment to see past the sun’s glare and spot Davenport’s face. He was waving her inside.

Cassie let go of the breath she’d been holding. Even though he’d signaled everything was okay, she made sure not to slam her door. Was someone inside? Were they still alive? She hoped she wasn’t about to walk into yet another murder scene.

As Cassie followed Davenport inside, she didn’t get a bad read off the house. In fact, it felt as clean and empty as Anastasia’s apartment building. The house might not have been new, but she got a sense someone hadn’t been living in it for quite some time.

The minute Cassie passed Davenport, her suspicions solidified. She felt the barrel of a gun press against the small of her back. She froze, knowing it was the detective.

“Don’t move.”

She raised her arms. “What’s going on?”

“Walk forward. Slowly.” His breathing was ragged. She hadn’t noticed that before. “No sudden movements, or you’ll end up like him.”

“What did you do?” Cassie shuffled her feet, inching her way through the living room and into the kitchen. The house was furnished, but it didn’t feel lived in. “Where’s Viotto?”

Davenport pushed the gun deeper into her back. “Move.”

Cassie rounded the corner into the kitchen. Viotto slumped against the wall with his hands tied in front of him. There was a trickle of blood coming from his temple. Disregarding Davenport’s instructions, she rushed forward and cradled Viotto’s head in her hands. He slowly blinked open his eyes.

“He’s fine.” Davenport was pacing, but he still had his gun trained on them. “I just knocked him out for a second.”

“Where’s the witness?”

He laughed. “There is no witness. I own this house. My mother left it to me when she died. Always planned on fixing it up to sell, but I guess that’s not going to happen now.”

Cassie’s gaze flicked around the kitchen. Now she could see how dusty it was. No one had been inside for quite some time. Which also meant—

“You won’t find anything.” Davenport gestured around the room with his gun. “Weapons, I mean. Don’t bother.”

“What do you want?”

“Now that’s the first smart question you’ve asked so far.” Davenport clenched his jaw. “Let’s make sure Agent Viotto is paying attention before I answer it.”

Cassie turned back to Viotto. His eyes were sharper now. He strained against the ropes that bound his hands, but they were too tight. He wouldn’t have a chance to get out of them unless Cassie could figure out how to cut them without Davenport noticing.

“Let Cassie go.” Viotto’s voice was strong, and it made her feel safe. “This is between you and me.”

“Actually, it’s between me and her.” Davenport locked his sights on Cassie. “If it wasn’t for her, Anthony Lewis would go down for Connor Grayson’s murder, and the senator wouldn’t be sitting in a holding cell.”

“Are you working for him?” Cassie asked.

“No.” Davenport sounded like he could spit nails. “The man’s an idiot. He might have his good looks and his connections, but Apex has been playing him like a fiddle for years.”

Cassie’s eyes widened. “You work for Apex.”

“Not anymore.” Davenport took a step forward, and Cassie pressed her body against the wall. “Thanks to you.”