“It’s quiet. Older buildings are louder. I can feel the energy when I walk inside them. This one hasn’t experienced much tragedy yet.”

“You say a lot of spooky things, don’t you?”

“It’s been known to happen from time to time.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Cassie blushed, but then tamped down on the feeling. Did she want Viotto to stick around and get used to her weird ramblings? Maybe. But it was never going to happen. Soon enough, they’d part ways, and the chances of them ever running into each other again would be close to zero.

When the elevator dinged, she was glad for the distraction. Unlike Mara Young’s floor, this one didn’t smell like anything. It was just clean and inviting and bright. Everyone here knew how much body spray to apply. They were also more familiar with the kind of drugs whose stench didn’t linger in the air.

Viotto knocked on the door of apartment 3302. Ten seconds later, Anastasia Bolton opened the door wearing a pencil skirt, a blouse, and stockinged feet. She had a wineglass in one hand, filled with the appropriate amount of a dark red. Cassie was sure she’d never have the money to buy a wine as expensive as this one likely was.

“Agent Viotto. It’s nice to see you again.” Anastasia sounded like she truly meant it. Her eyes shifted to Cassie. “Who’s your friend?”

“This is Cassie Quinn. She’s assisting us on the case. May we come in?”

Anastasia hesitated for a fraction of a second before stepping to the side and letting the pair of them into her apartment. A citrus tang hung in the air, refreshing and clean. The apartment was small and pristine. It was the kind of space that went for a premium in cities like Charlotte. You paid for the convenience and bragging rights, not the square footage.

“What can I do for you, Agent Viotto?”

“Have you heard about Senator Grayson’s current circumstances?”

“That he’s been arrested? Oh, yes. I’m aware.”

Viotto gestured to the apartment. “I’m surprised you don’t have three computers open, six people on hold, and a team of interns working on a way to spin this.”

Her eyes sparkled. “I don’t think there’s a way to spin this. My sources tell me you have ample evidence on Mr. Grayson. He’s not getting out of this one.”

Cassie caught on quicker than Viotto did. “Apex dropped him, didn’t they?”

“Smart cookie.” She took a sip of wine, and by the look on her face, Grayson’s predicament had made it all the sweeter. “I don’t like to waste my time, and neither does Apex Publicity. We’re not in the business of backing criminals.”

Cassie had a retort ready to go, but she bit her tongue. If Mannis was right about how dangerous Apex was, it wouldn’t do to get on their bad side. Even if Anastasia was no one important, they had to tread carefully. If they got wind that the FBI had an agent sniffing around, there was no telling what they’d do.

“Your sources, huh?” Viotto’s gears were turning. “You wouldn’t want to—”

“—tell you who they are? No, I wouldn’t.” Anastasia’s smile held true delight. “Agent Viotto, you know better than that.”

“Do you like working at Apex, Ms. Bolton?”

“I do.” She sat down at the table but didn’t offer them a chair. “It’s a dream job. I’ve worked with a lot of amazing people. Made a lot of money.”

“How much of that money has blood on it?”

Anastasia paused with her glass halfway to her lips. The wine was the same color as her crimson lipstick. “Excuse me?”

Viotto smiled, but there was a sharpness to it that made Cassie shiver. He wasn’t playing games. “I asked how much of the money has blood on it.” He didn’t wait for Anastasia to answer. “I know what Apex really does, Ms. Bolton. And I’m not afraid of them. Or you.”

And here Cassie had assumed they were going to be subtle.

“You should be.” Anastasia set her glass down and stood. She wobbled, and for the first time, Cassie saw her as anything but put together. “I’ve seen them ruin careers over less. They’re so much bigger than you could ever dream. Do yourself a favor and drop whatever it is you think you’re getting yourself into.”

“It sounds like you know much more than Grayson thought. What do you know about his son’s murder?

The cool professional was back in place. Anastasia smoothed out her skirt and pointed to the door. “Get out.”

“Did I say something to upset you?”