With his heart in his throat, Grayson scrolled down. The email was short, but far from sweet.

Got a surprise for you. Might be a day or two before you know what it is, but I wanted to make sure you knew it was coming. There’s nothing better than watching someone try to duck a bullet they can’t dodge.

You sit up there in your ivory tower like you’re better than everyone else, but you’re not. I always knew that, but now I have proof. At first, I thought about taking your money and running. You seem to have a pretty lucrative way of getting more. But I couldn’t do that to Mom. Couldn’t leave her behind.

Instead, I think I’ll watch you burn. Show her who you really are.

This could’ve been so much easier for you. You could’ve just left me alone. It would’ve been that easy to avoid this. But no—you needed me to pretend everything was perfect. That you were perfect. You should’ve known I would never lie for you.

I was never going to be the son you wanted. You should’ve accepted that years ago. Maybe then you could’ve avoided this.

Better get your shit in order. Time’s running out.

See you in a few days.

Grayson read the email from start to finish, then read it a second time.

Then a third.

By the time he finished, his palms were sweating, and his heartbeat was playing out a staccato rhythm in his chest. He understood every word of what he had just read, and yet he didn’t want to believe any of it. His first instinct was to delete the email and pretend like it had never existed.

But the internet was forever, and if Agent Viotto and his partner did a little extra investigating, it was only a matter of time before they discovered this.

Grayson’s second instinct was to call Anastasia. Apex would find out, and it was always best to bring it to their attention before they had to drag it out of you. They rewarded loyalty and proactivity. Most of their clients weren’t exactly saints.

But even Apex cut their losses at some point, and after everything he’d been through—everything he’d put them through—Grayson wasn’t willing to take that risk.

But if there was a third option, Grayson wasn’t sure what it could be. What were the chances Connor had made a threat like this and wound up dead the next day? The police had said it was a drug deal gone wrong, but the senator had a pretty good idea what Connor was threatening him with, and it was a lot worse than drugs.

With his son dead and gone, he wasn’t sure who else had that information and what they would do with it. And before he told Anastasia about their brand-new problem, he had better find a solution of his own.

The first place he looked was at the bottom of a bottle.


As soon as Cassie slammed the door behind her, she regretted the way she’d acted in front of her family. Laura had come to her defense, and while she’d appreciated it, Cassie’s cheeks warmed. She knew her parents had meant well, but sometimes intention didn’t matter. The pain was real.

The drive to the police station in downtown Charlotte was a blur. Cassie was on autopilot, and her mind was busy playing the scene in the backyard and the kitchen on repeat. A pair of worried parents and an inept psychologist had cost her a piece of her childhood. It had taken away decades of experience for dealing with and understanding her abilities.

How many people could she have helped in that time?

The answer was hundreds, if not thousands.

Cassie pulled into the parking lot outside the police precinct. She blinked the building into focus. On the drive, her anger had dissipated, but she’d replaced it with despair. She’d had the perfect opportunity to explain to her parents that her abilities were not delusions and that it was something she had been born with but hadn’t understood until recently.

Now she had to convince her brain it wasn’t too late to have that conversation. She would get through this interview with the FBI, she would tell them what she knew, and maybe it would lead them to Connor Grayson’s killer.

Then, she would go home and have a calm discussion with her family.

Cassie hooked two fingers around the doorhandle and pushed it open. She was still in a daze as she made her way across the parking lot, but as she stepped through the front door of the precinct and made eye contact with Agent Viotto, she snapped back into focus.


nbsp; He held out his hand. “Ms. Quinn.”

She shook it. “Agent Viotto.”

He turned to the man next to him. “My partner, Agent Robert Mannis.”