“They’ve got the evidence on Lewis.” She shrugged. “I doubt anything he comes up with sticks.”

“He was asking a lot of questions about my relationship with Connor.”

“That’s to be expected.” Her eyes narrowed. “Anything specific?”

“He asked if I owed anyone money. Or political favors. He seems to think this was more than just a drug deal gone wrong.”

Anastasia made a

few notes before she looked back up at Grayson. “He doesn’t have any proof, which will hold in our favor. I’ll ask around, see if there’s anything we can do. Until then, just lie low. Simple answers only. Don’t give away more than they’re asking for. It’ll only get you into trouble, and that’s the last thing we need right now.”

Grayson wanted to tell her he knew that, he wasn’t stupid, he was aware of what was on the line. The last thing he would do is incriminate himself on top of all of this. There was a reason Apex picked him as their champion, and it was—in part—because of his discerning nature.

But he didn’t say any of that. He just sipped his whiskey and thought of the day he’d finally get everything he’d worked so hard to achieve.


When Cassie got home, she retreated to the spare bedroom and hunkered down with her laptop. Laura and her father were out in the garage building something, and her mom had laid down to recuperate from the morning’s events. No one had asked why she hadn’t returned with any purchases from her so-called shopping trip, but Laura gave her a look that said, You’re gonna tell me what you were up to, right?

For now, Cassie was winding down from her brief lunch with Viotto. There was something encompassing about the flirtatious yet unassuming way he carried himself. He had seemed equally interested in getting to know her and talking about the investigation. Or, as much as he could without knowing who she was.

Not for the first time, she wondered what was in that file the FBI kept on her. She knew her involvement with various investigations over the years had garnered her a place in someone’s desk drawer, but she’d never seen the folder herself. Only heard hints of it here or there.

What kind of information did it contain? What would Viotto learn about her? Undoubtedly, it spoke of her encounters with Novak. Maybe it even mentioned Mitch Tanner. There was probably a note in there for every time an FBI agent encountered her at a crime scene. But would it talk about her abilities? Did it talk about the fact that she could see ghosts, or did it just imply that she could speak to the dead and her delusions helped solve crimes?

How would Viotto take that? And what about his partner?

Cassie rejected the idea that she needed Viotto to approve of her skills, but she couldn’t deny how it made her feel to hope he’d accept them without question. Without doubt.

But there was always doubt. David had doubted her. Harris had doubted. Her sister had accepted her abilities faster than most, but every once in a while, she caught Laura looking at her like she thought it was all a convincing lie.

Hell, Cassie sometimes wondered about that, too.

She shifted the laptop into a more comfortable position and brought up the search engine, but couldn’t bring herself to type anything out. Waiting for Viotto to vouch for her was more agonizing than she’d anticipated. She wanted to keep Anthony Lewis from going down for a crime he didn’t commit, and she wanted to bring Connor’s actual killer to justice.

She also wanted to hear from Agent Viotto.

Her phone, which she’d strategically placed right next to the laptop, lit up. It wasn’t Viotto, but the name made her heart spike anyway. Jason Broussard. She clicked on the message without trying to conceal her smile. They hadn’t spent that much time together, but there was something magnetic about him. Something that made her want to take a chance.

It’d been a long time since she’d had that feeling.

Hope your morning is going well. Caught Tonya stealing sugar packets again.

Cassie laughed. Did you say anything?

Nah. Figured if she has to steal it, she needs it more than the rest of us. But if she starts stealing the coffee pods, then it’s game over. I need a minimum three cups to function.

Me too. How’s everything else going?

Good. Magdalena says hi. And that I should ask you out to lunch again.

Cassie blushed. Did you tell her you’re too afraid I’ll sucker punch you again?

Nah, I’m not afraid. I’ll just bring my pads next time.

Cassie’s cheeks hurt from smiling too much. But she wasn’t sure what to say next. She should keep flirting, make sure he knew she was interested in a next time? But she was afraid, too.

If I survive my mother and live to return to Savannah, I promise I’ll behave.