The room froze. Even Anastasia looked up.

“Sir, it’s important that we gather as much evidence as quickly as possible in order to solve your son’s case.”

“I am aware, thank you.” Grayson buttoned his suit jacket. It felt akin to donning armor. “But right now, I have to go upstairs and tell my wife that our only child is dead. We need time to mourn. I’ll make sure his room is not disturbed.”


“Do you have a search warrant?” Grayson looked directly at Viotto, channeling some of his ire at the younger man.

“Not yet.” The words sounded foreboding.

“Then I kindly ask that you leave. You can return later tonight with your warrant or tomorrow morning with my permission. I’ll leave that up to you. Murphy?” The man materialized in the doorway. “See them out, please. Make sure Ms. Bolton finds her way home, as well.”

Grayson didn’t bother looking to see Anastasia’s reaction. He’d deal with the repercussions of dismissing her tomorrow.

Instead, he walked through the foyer and up the stairs, knowing he was about to destroy his wife’s entire world.


Cassie found Laura in the guest bedroom, cross-legged on the bed and bent over her phone. Her sister looked up with red eyes when Cassie knocked on the doorframe.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.” She sniffled. “Spending the last couple of hours doing a deep dive into the life of a murdered child isn’t fun.”


“How was the hospital?”

“Mostly fine.” When Laura quirked an eyebrow, Cassie settled in next to her. “Mom’s tests went fine. We’ll find out in a day or two if everything is normal. If so, the surgery is officially a go.”

“That’s good, but scary. Did Mom seem nervous or anything?”

Cassie shook her head. “I don’t know if it’s because she’s not worried or if it’s because she didn’t want me to worry. But she seemed normal.”

Laura narrowed her eyes. “What else happened?”

“Why do you think something else happened?”

“Because I’m recognizing that introspective look on your face that comes whenever you have an encounter.”

“That makes it sound like I talk to aliens.”

Laura rolled her eyes. “Because talking to ghosts is way more normal.”

“Fair point.” Cassie shrugged. “This little boy came up to me in the waiting room. He was there with his father. They were both alive, by the way.”

“Good to know. Continue.”

“He asked me to play with Sebastian.”

“Whoa.” Laura sat back. “He could see him?”

“It’s weirder than that. He could see him and I couldn’t. I think Sebastian is sometimes here, but I can’t tell. It kind of freaks me out.”

“Good. Now you understand how the rest of us feel.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Cassie gestured to Laura’s phone. “What’d you find?”