“I’d rather not think about that. Mary’s gone through enough. She needs hope more than she needs reality right now.”

Cassie looked down at her feet as her mother walked away and only looked up again when Laura punched her in the shoulder. “Ow.”

“What the hell?” Laura hissed. “Why would you say that?”

“Because I had a vision.” Cassie rubbed the pain out of her shoulder. “You didn’t have to hit me so hard.”

“You were being a jerk to Mom.”

“I was being realistic.”

“Right.” Laura sat on the couch. “What did you see?”

“I saw someone hold him at gunpoint.” Cassie shivered at the memory. “And then I saw him pull the trigger.”

Laura leaned forward to whisper. “You saw him die? Connor, I mean?”

“I’m not sure. I heard the gunshot go off, and then I was back here. But the gun was pointing directly at his head. It’d be a miracle if he survived.”

“Does this happen a lot? Getting random visions?”

“Sometimes.” Cassie hated questions like this because she never had a satisfactory answer. “It depends on the day. I think Mom gave it to me.”

“Really?” Laura looked toward the kitchen where she could hear their mom on the phone. “How did she give it to you? Why?”

Cassie shrugged. “I think I picked up on her emotions. She was pretty upset. When I touched her shoulder, I felt what she was feeling, and then it pulled me in. I’m guessing it wasn’t too noticeable.”

“You looked like you zoned out for a minute. I thought maybe you had a flashback or something.”

“Or something.”

Laura pushed her curls out of her face. “Mom’s going to be so upset.”

“Think she’ll blame me for being too realistic?”

“No.” Laura rolled her eyes. “But you could use a little mor

e tact. Is this how you talk to the people who’ve lost their loved ones?”

Cassie’s cheeks reddened. “I have tact. I’m full of it. I’m just off my game today. I’m at half tact.”

“You better figure out a way to refill the tank, otherwise this trip of ours is going to be a disaster.” Laura picked up her coffee, took a sip, and made a face. “Gross.” She set the coffee down and looked up at Cassie. “So, what does this mean? Do you have to investigate what happened to him?”

“I had the vision for a reason, but I don’t know anyone around here. Usually, I’d go to David, and he’d put me in touch with someone if he wasn’t working the case himself. Otherwise, the authorities usually reach out to me. I’m not really sure what to do.”

“You mean walking up to a random cop and saying you had a vision doesn’t usually work?”

“Believe it or not, I’ve never tried.”

“First time for everything, I guess.”

“I’ll make that Plan B. I’ll see what David has to say first.”

Cassie pulled out her phone and sent him a text asking if he knew anyone in Charlotte. His response was curt and immediate.


She cocked her head at her phone, waiting to see if he’d ask how she was doing or how the trip was going. But when he didn’t expand on his response, she sent him another text.