“Was he hanging out eating toast? A bowl of cheerios? Smoking a joint?”

“Not exactly.” Cassie pulled out a chair and sat down. She waited for Laura to do the same before she continued. “He was just standing there. I saw his injuries, and that’s why I called David right before we left to go to The Pirates’ House. I know you heard me on the phone.”

“I couldn’t hear what you were saying, though.” Laura flushed. “It was muffled through the door.”

“I told David what I saw, and he told me they’d just found a body that matched the man’s injuries. But it turns out that the body was Robert Shapiro, and the guy I saw was—”

“Timothy Jennings,” finished David.

Laura stared at Cassie for a full minute. Anger gave way to misty eyes. “You’re not joking, are you?”

“I’m not.”

Laura looked to David.

“She’s not.”

“You’re not.” Laura got up and started pacing again. “Okay. So, what are you trying to tell me?”

For all the worry Cassie had indulged in over the last few days regarding her sister accidentally finding out about her abilities, she had spent little time planning what she’d say to Laura if it ended up happening.

“What I’m trying to tell you is that I…have I guess you’d say psychic tendencies.”

“Tendencies?” Laura questioned.

“She’s being modest.” David interjected.

Cassie glared at him. “Comments from the peanut gallery are unacceptable at this time.”

“Noted.” He leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms, content to observe once again.

Cassie turned back to Laura. “I can see dead people.” She held up a hand. “And I swear to God if anyone makes a Sixth Sense reference, I’m going to blow a gasket.”

David snickered. “As long as you know I’m thinking it, that’s good enough for me.”

Laura rolled her eyes. “And you know about thi

s, David?”

He sobered slightly. “I do.”

“For how long?”

“Ten years? Yeah, ten years sounds right.”

“Ten years?” Laura blanched, and then Cassie saw the gears turning. “You mean—”

“Yes. Well, kind of.” Cassie sighed. “Look, can you sit down? You’re making me nervous.”

“You’re nervous?” Laura laughed, but she sat down anyway. “What does this even mean?”

“It means that I can see ghosts. Not all the time. Not all ghosts. I don’t know how it works, just that it does. I also get feelings. See visions. Have dreams.”

“Dreams?” Laura perked up. “You mean like the nightmare you’ve been having?”

“Yeah, like that. Which brings me back to your other questions. And David? Strap in for this one. I used to think that whatever happened to me with Novak, almost dying on that night, gave me this ability to see through the veil, or whatever you want to call it. But now I’m not so sure.”

“Oh?” David paid closer attention now. “Did some new information come to light?”