The entire room froze. Then, the old woman let out a little gasp. Her husband put his arm around her shoulder and drew her in close while the pastor stepped in front of them. All three looked anxious and confused.

McLaughlin’s head rose inch by inch until he looked over his shoulder and straight at David. His gaze darted to Cassie and then back again, and she felt herself shrink back a few inches. He didn’t look scared or even worried. In fact, he looked at peace.

“My name is Detective David Klein. Put your hands on top of your head and link your fingers.”

McLaughlin did as he was told, but Cassie felt like he moved at a snail’s pace. The potent smell of stale cigarette smoke rushed back to her, and she wrinkled her nose against it. She hoped her stomach would cooperate.

The pastor stepped forward. “Detective, is this really necessary? You’re in a house of God. I’m sure this man will cooperate. Won’t you, son?”

McLaughlin didn’t move. He just kept his eyes forward and his hands on his head.

“Sir, I need you to take the others outside. Backup is on the way. We’ll be out of your hair shortly.”

The pastor looked like he wanted to argue, but he nodded toward the elderly couple and helped the man steady his wife on her feet. They took the long way around the pews, choosing to walk along the far wall, and then shuffled out past Cassie. She nodded encouragingly and waited until they crossed the parking lot before turning back to the situation at hand.

David circled McLaughlin. “Are you armed?”

“Yes, sir.” McLaughlin’s voice was steady. “I’ve got my pistol on me.”

“Where is it?”

“In the bag at my feet.”

David nodded and then started forward, taking his time and assessing McLaughlin along the way. Cassie felt herself creep closer and closer, but every time she did, she’d get another whiff of cigarette smoke and her head would swim.

“How’d you find me?” McLaughlin asked.

“That’s a bit of a story.”

“Tried pretty hard to stay off the radar. Rental car. Picked a direction at random. Hell, I’m not even Presbyterian.”

“We had a secret weapon you couldn’t have anticipated.”

“I see.” McLaughlin cast another look over his shoulder. “Is she the secret weapon?”

“You could say that.”

David was within arm’s reach of the other man. He kicked the bag at McLaughlin’s feet to the other end of the pew. The man made no movement. David gave McLaughlin a last look and then, satisfied, David took two large steps back. “Keep your hands where they are. Stand up slowly. Then lay down on your stomach and put your hands behind your back. Do you understand?”

“I understand. I’m going to start moving now.”

McLaughlin’s hands stayed clasped above his head as he stood up and shuffled out from the pew and into the center aisle of the church. He got down on one knee, then the other. Then he hesitated and looked up at David.

“Unhook your hands, get down, and then clasp them behind your back.”

McLaughlin did as he was told. He leaned forward and pressed himself against the floor. He brought his hands up behind his back and waited for his next instruction.

Cassie couldn’t see McLaughlin’s face from her vantage point, and she wondered what kind of expression his face held. Was he as unhinged as the person he’d killed, or was he resigned to his fate?

David’s voice echoed around the church. “Cassie, I need you to come over here.”

“What? Why?”

“I don’t trust him. I need you to grab my cuffs and put them on his wrists. Do you understand?”


“Come over here.”