But that was a problem for Future Cassie.

Right now, she had a different mission. Cassie found a cute comfortable outfit and replaced her pajamas. Then, she walked in her bathroom and shut the door behind her. She didn’t want Laura to hear any part of the conversation she was about to have.

It had been a couple of months since Elizabeth Montgomery’s case, which involved Dr. Langford and William Baker. Cassie had seen a few ghosts since then, but nothing as intimate or jarring as what had just happened in her dining room. Whoever the man was, he was clearly searching for help. The least she could do was reach out to someone about it.

Cassie began to call Detective Harris. They had come to a mutual understanding of each other during the previous case, though they weren’t exactly friends. Harris was a good cop, and she’d help if asked, but Cassie didn’t want to seem to be pushy.

Better to call someone she had more history with.

He picked up after two rings. “What’s wrong?”

“David, really, you have to stop answering the phone like that.”

He kept his voice measured with a tinge of humor to his words. “Well, maybe if you called me more often, I wouldn’t think there was something wrong every time I heard from you.”

“I saw you last Sunday for dinner.” Cassie felt lighter just hearing his voice. “You can’t guilt-trip me.”

“Yeah, yeah. Did you pick up your sister last night?”

“Yep.” Cassie leaned against the sink and tipped her head back. “It’s going…fine.”

“That sounds very convincing.”

All of Cassie’s worries and fears rushed out of her before she could stop them. “I don’t know what to talk about. I don’t know how to act around her anymore. We’re not the same people we were when we were kids.”

“I would hope not.” David still sounded amused. “It’d be weird if you were.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I do, and I’m trying to tell you it’s okay. You’re not supposed to be the same people. You’re supposed to grow and change and find your own paths. That doesn’t mean she’s not your sister anymore.”

“I know.” Cassie stared at herself in the mirror. Worry had made her forehead crease, and she worked to smooth it out again. “Everything just feels weird.”

“I’m sure it feels weird for her, too.”

“You sound like my therapist.”

“She’s a smart lady. And you and Laura will work through the weirdness. You’re both trying. That’s the important part.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“So, did you call for my sage advice, or is there something else?”

Cassie didn’t want to admit it, but she was on a time crunch. “Well, maybe there is something wrong.”

“Can’t fool me, kid. What’s going on?”

“Ghost in the dining room.”

“With the candlestick or the revolver?”

“Actually, it was a rope. He had a nasty bruise around his neck. And it looked like someone did a number on his legs.”

David inhaled sharply. “You’d think this shit would stop surprising me.”

“You have a dead body?”

“Yeah. Male, sixties, strangled to death. Legs crushed.”